Fundamentals of Management: Global Edition

Fundamentals of Management: Global Edition
Fundamentals of Management
Stephen P. Robbins, Mary K. Coulter, David A. DeCenzo


For Principles of Management courses. This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States The practical tools of management presented through in-depth practice. Robbins/DeCenzo is the best-selling, brief, paperback text that gives students more depth and breadth of practical tools to practice their management skills than any other textbook. New author Mary Coulter brings a fresh perspective to the already best-selling duo of Stephen Robbins and David DeCenzo. Accompanied by mymanagementlab See the hands in the air, hear the roar of discussion be a Rock Star in the classroom. mymanagementlab makes it easier for you to be a Rock Star in the classroom by helping you hold students accountable for class preparation, and getting students engaged in the material through an array of relevant teaching and media resources.

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