Whether you are organising an important event or heading up a large team, running a project can be a daunting process. Spiralling costs and missed deadlines are part of everyday life for many project managers - in fact, more projects fail than succeed! But project management doesn't have to be this way. It is possible to manage projects that consistently meet deadlines and come in within budget. Brilliant Project Management shows you how. Drawing on over 30 years of experience, you’ll discover how to ensure your projects succeed every time. In this new edition Barker & Cole have included a section highlighting valuable sources of information in the challenging world of project management, including their inside track on methods, training and professional associations. It’s the ultimate guide to becoming a brilliant project manager. Brilliant Outcomes Make a success of any project. Deliver on your promises. Save money, time and your sanity!
... (PDF) 978-1-292-08389-6 (ePub) 978-1-292-08387-2 (eText) British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for the print edition is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A ...
lessons learned presentation. None of their colleagues turned up. Apparently, they were 'too busy' trying to deliver their projects. The second half of the programme then repeated many of the mistakes that their peers had already ...
This book combines practical tools, personal tips and psychological insights to that you can: - Realistically plan not only your time and resources but everyone else's - Understand your team's strengths and weaknesses - Monitor everyone's ...
In an ever growing market, Brilliant Project Management stands out from the crowd. This revised edition is part of the high profile Brilliant series and the first edition redefined the mould for books in this category.
Presentation by project customers on how the project will improve their work. . Team-building exercise 2 — something fun to break up the monotony of presentations. Project manager presents the plan and initiates discussion on whether ...
Teambuilding exercise 2 – something fun to break up the monotony of presentations. 5. Project manager presents the plan and initiates discussion on whether this is the right plan for this project. 6. Project manager describes the ...
The Project Management Book addresses the real-life scenarios and issues that anyone responsible for managing a project is likely to face on a day to day basis.
Following the advice in this guide will not only help your get your project off on the right foot, but will also keep you and your team marching along to its successful conclusion.
This book is a shakedown of project management, the profession, the myths it creates and promotes, its great ideas and ambitions and a few ropey bits that we’re just not convinced about.
... management in front of the project team. When questioned about the situation, Simon replied, 'He needs to learn a lesson if he's going to get on — l'll teach him, don't you worry.' Simon was offered the following reframe: 'So, Simon, it ...