The third edition of the market-leading Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence continues to offer an involving and comprehensive introduction to this captivating field.
Updated with 150 new research studies and introducing new topics (such as the Dark Triad of Personality, Entity Theory and Incremental Theories of Intelligence, Work on Trait Emotional Intelligence, Internet Dating, Personality, and Social ...
New to this edition: · Increased coverage of intelligence · ‘Key Theorists’ feature · Discussion questions moved to end-of-chapter to enable in-text assessment Nick Haslam is Professor of Psychology at the University of Melbourne, ...
Watson, D., & Clark, L. A. (1992b). Affects separable and inseparable: On the ... White, J., Mortensen, L. H., & Batty, G. D. (2012). ... In R. Hogan, J. Johnson, & S. Briggs (Eds.), Handbook of personality psychology (pp. 95–115).
The Measurement of Social Intelligence [Report from the Psychology Laboratory, No. 34]. ... Personality and Individual Differences, 13, 699–716. ... Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 4(1), 109–11.
Unlike books that focus on individual theorists, this book focuses on current research and theory on the nature of personality and related individual differences.
Personality and Intelligence at Work examines the increasingly controversial role of individual differences in predicting and determining behaviour at work.
Kanai and Rees (2011) give an excellent and accessible summary of studies which link brain structure to personality (and intelligence). As far as RST is concerned, there are several good summaries of the theory with links to the ...
Introduction to Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence
In this groundbreaking handbook, more than 60 internationally respected authorities explore the interface between intelligence and personality by bringing together a wide range of potential integrative links drawn from theory, research, ...
Key Thinkers in Individual Differences introduces the life, work and thought of 25 of the most influential figures who have shaped and developed the measurement of intelligence and personality.