Although representation by women, blacks, and Hispanics in state legislatures has increased greatly in recent decades, the significance of these gains has not been systematically evaluated. Albert Nelson's study explores several important questions in this area: Does greater representation in fact result in proportionally greater influence in political parties and policy outcomes? How do party affiliation, gender, and other variables affect the political fortunes of these groups? And what is the impact of party affiliation on their turnover rates in legislatures?
Nelson scrutinizes the factors that influence minority and female incorporation into the legislative process, including opportunity and incentives, party affiliation, religion, employment, and cultural elements. He examines differences in legislative representation in the North and South. In addition he assesses party representation according to gender, minority group, and political affiliation and investigates differences in turnover rates between Democrats and Republicans. Nelson explains how these elements translate into practical political results in both legislatures and the power base provided by political parties. The final chapter provides an overview of Nelson's findings and identifies promising areas for continuing research. Based on a statistical analysis of state legislatures in the 1980s, this book will be a useful resource for scholars and students in political science, the social sciences, minorities studies, and women's studies.
... and, judging by the strange new media venues, "Saturday Night Live," "Donahue," and gossip columnist Lany King's radio and television call-in shows on which 1992's Losing 245.
When the voters went to the polls in November 1992 , they gave Harman a decisive victory over Flores , but two years later Harman would have a more difficult battle against still another Republican woman , Councilwoman Susan Brooks .
... Jr. Resident Scholar Randall Lutter Resident Scholar John H. Makin Resident Scholar ; Director , Fiscal Policy Studies Allan H. Meltzer Visiting Scholar Joshua Muravchik Resident Scholar Charles Murray Bradley Fellow Michael Novak ...
Daniel S. Greenberg , " Space Politics and Useless Cargo , " Chicago Tribune , 5 December 1985 , 27 . 98. NASA , Space : The New Frontier ( Washington , D.C .: GPO , 1962 ) , 28 . 99. " Seddon So Busy with New Baby She Forgot ' Surgery ...
Americans' current suspicions of politics can be overcome by expanding opportunities for local political participation.
There is no other print source, online source, or web search engine that provides the wide range and depth of insight found in Vital Statistics on American Politics. This new...
In one integrated text, this book covers the history and contemporary organization of political parties, the nature of the electoral system and modern American election campaigns, and the activities of interest groups.
To say Smith was not well liked in the House was putting it mildly . Staff members of other Washington House Republicans used to say Smith was not a team player . And one of them told me after her close call in the primary , “ If you ...
Outlines a new multicultural and gender-fair scholarship which shows the way to a new form of democracy.
Levinson , H. , & Rosenthal , S. ( 1984 ) . CEO : Corporate leadership in action . New York : Basic Books . Liden , R. C. , & Graen , G. ( 1980 ) . Generalizability of the vertical dyad linkage mode of leadership .