The prevailing approach to preventing or reducing alcohol problems is generally ineffective, often counter-productive.
The last three decades have seen an explosion of social, psychological and clinical research to identify effective strategies to prevent and treat alcohol-related problems.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol (Suppl. 14), 71-81. Stewart, D.G., and Brown, S.A. (1995). Withdrawal and dependency symptoms among adolescent alcohol and drug abusers. Addiction, 90,627-635. Strunin, L., and Hingson, R. (1992).
This first volume of our new series, Drug and Alcohol to reduce the use and Abuse Reviews, focuses on stategies abuse of common compounds known to cause major damage to health: alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
Provides strategies for combating each of these forces. Case studies of model communities around the country are described. Includes worksheets, planning charts, and other aids.
This book represents one of the first systematic attempts to compile a comprehensive text on the prevention of alcohol abuse.
And it's enjoyably readable....This is an excellent review for anyone in the alcoholism prevention business, and good background reading for the interested layperson.
The book concludes with two interviews, focused global initiatives, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions.
This section reviews some of the research into drug dependence that is most pertinent for future studies relating to the treatment of alcohol dependence. Use of Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Drug-Dependent Patients In a study of ...
Documenting the accomplishments of the leading researchers in the field and setting the stage for future progress in prevention science are the foci of Prevention and Societal Impact of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
This volume, which began as a special issue of the Journal of Research on Adolescence, contains all of the material from the journal issue plus additional chapters.