Analyzes ethical dimensions of contemporary political campaigning and governing.
This is not to say that, all things considered, politicians should never engage in dubious political communication. Sometimes these are necessary evils.
Boston: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon (2009), p. 300. 4 Larry Johnson and Bob Philips, Absolute Honesty. New York: Amacom (2003), p. 176. 5 Frank Walsh, Public Relations and the Law. Gainesville, FL: Institute for Public Relations Research ...
This unique study is the first to focus specifically on political communication ethics. Denton has brought together a group of works that address ethical concerns related to political communication, including...
The Handbook of Communication Ethics serves as a comprehensive guide to the study of communication and ethics.
This book offers a comprehensive account of the nature and development of political communication in Africa.
This open access book provides the first comprehensive collection of papers that provide an integrative view on cybersecurity. It discusses theories, problems and solutions on the relevant ethical issues involved.
Featuring research on topics such as campaign management, branding, and political marketing, this book is ideally designed for campaign managers, social media mangers, government officials, advertisers, media consultants, public relations ...
The Moral Compass, New York: Simon and Schuster. Berlin, Isaiah (1991). The Crooked Timber of Humanity, ... Cheney, George, Christensen, Lars T., Zorn, Theodore E., Jr., and Ganesh, Shiv (2004). Organizational Communication in an Age of ...
Offering an examination of Maat from a specifically communication ethics perspective, this book will be of great interest to scholars and students of Communication Ethics, African philosophy, Rhetorical theory, Africana Studies and Ancient ...
A new chapter focuses on the use of the Internet. Political Campaign Communication continues to be a classroom favorite—a thoroughly researched, insightful, and reader-friendly text.