Photographs, drawings, maps, and descriptive text provide a tour of fifty natural wonderlands in America and provide insight into their wildlife and attractions
Scenic Wonders of the National Parks of America
A comprehensive, interactive book designed to facilitate quality engagement with a memory-impaired adult.
Combines elements of traditional tour guides and nature guides, identifying scenic highways and byways and natural wonders in every state and plants, animals, and geologic formations likely to be seen...
Nature-scenic, color photographic coffee table book of Utah.
This authoritative and beautifully illustrated book traces the evolution of the American land ethic from the 1600s to the creation of the national park service in 1916, with an Epilogue featuring the work of Ansel Adams. 175 illustrations.
A new vision is sweeping through ecological science: The dense web of dependencies that makes up an ecosystem has gained an added dimension-the dimension of time. Every field, forest, and...
Natural Wonders of America
The author weaves the exciting story of Lewis and Clark's exploration of the west during the early 1800s into her story of discoveries throughout America, both on and off the historical trail.
Photos and narrative in this book provide an intriguing overview of the park's rich natural and social history.