"Muskogean specialists and linguists in general will find it hard to overestimate the significance of this dictionary . . . [it] contains vast amounts of important data, well analyzed, well organized, and well presented." --anthony mattina, professor of linguistics, university of montana The Alabama language, a member of the Muskogean language family, is spoken today by the several hundred inhabitants of the Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation in Polk County, Texas. This dictionary of Alabama was begun over fifty years ago by tribe member Cora Sylestine. She was aided after 1980 by linguists Heather K. Hardy and Timothy Montler, who completed work on the dictionary after her death. This state-of-the-art analytical dictionary contains over 8,000 entries of roots, stems, and compounds in the Alabama-English section. Each entry contains precise definitions, full grammatical analyses, agreement and other part-of-speech classifications, variant pronunciations, example sentences, and extensive cross-references to stem entries. The Alabama-English section is followed by a thorough English-Alabama finder list that functions as a full index to the definitions in the Alabama-English section.
As Thompson has pointed out, we commonly use words, expressions, and constructions in written expositions that would seem artificial in oral speech. Gri- boedov's phrase, "and you speak as you write," refers to the comic transfer of the ...
Provides information on grammar, punctuation, usage, and the history of the English language, and explains the origin of phrases, idioms, and slang
这事不忍说又不能不说——我们对《商情导报》李编辑事件的观感本市《商情导报》李编辑事件,实在是本市报业的一件不幸事件,也实在是今日社会中,一个值得注意的严重问题。近日本市各报,对于这事,都有严正的批评,充分暴露了报人的正义感。同时社会各方,对于李 ...
香港電影從對張愛玲小說的直譯式改編,對李碧華小說的改寫,引用劉以鬯、金庸等小說的意念對都市寓言的重述,以及對中國古典小說的顛覆和解構等等,在在講述一座浮城百年滄 ...
内容简介:积累作文材料对于高中生来说,是一大难题。因为他们的生活是两点一线,阅历也有限,再加上升学的压力,埋头于题海的演练,作文常常无话可说。就是搜肠刮肚,也是 ...
显然,冯的文章未能击中梁实秋的要害,于是鲁迅先生就写了这篇杂文。鲁迅的文章,论证严密,言辞犀利,针对梁的言行逐一剖析,无可辩驳地论证了他不仅是“资本家的走狗”,而且是一条“丧家的”,摇尾乞怜、不堪一击的“乏走狗”。杂文如同一柄利斧,一下子砍中了梁的 ...
如果那位介绍人介绍时的口气念念有词,一只手把双方指了一指就算介绍了,然后立即走开,那么你只知道他在给你介绍另外一位客人,可你们仍不知道哪位先生是姓陈、沈、郑,还是洪、冯、黄。在这种情形下,有些人索性采取了敷衍的办法,即向对方点点头, ...
本书被誉为世界上最受推崇的“语言教科书”,在本书中,卡耐基指出任何一个人都能克服恐惧,在心中孕育热切的意念,从而建立自信,向自我挑战,从而获得人生和商业上的成功 ...