Told with satiric allusions to the policies and tactics used by Mexico's current ruling party, PRI, to consolidate its power, the play unfolds a history of vain rivalry and decadence, intricate political maneuvers, corruption, and unchecked ambition that determined the course of Mexican history for two centuries before the Spanish conquest.
The War of the Fatties and Other Stories from Aztec History, trans. Michael Alderson. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1994. Related Sources 6. Markets and Temples in the City of Tenochtitlan (1519) 22. On Chocolate (1648) 34.
... translated into English as The War of the Fatties and Other Stories from Aztec History (1994), is an important literary text. In this play, Novo dramatizes how during the war with the Mexicas the battalion of armed men of the Aztec ...
In History and Memory in African - American Culture , ed . Genevieve Fabre and Robert O'Meally . New York : Oxford University Press , 1994 . Novo , Salvador . The War of the Fatties and Other Stories from Aztec History . Trans .
Dostoevsky's Underground Man (1864) calls Petersburg 'the most abstract and intentional city in the whole round world. (Towns can be intentional or unintentional.)' (Dostoevsky 1972, pp. 17–18). The city has impressed its 'intentions' ...
... edited by Robert Hunt A Reference Guide to Texas Law and Legal History : Sources and Documentation , by Marian ... by Mutlu Konuk Blasing Big Thicket Legacy , compiled and edited by Campbell and Lynn Loughmiller A Bird Watcher's ...
We need to bear in mind that this is the golden age of the double entendre and the paronomastic speeches of the carpus, the popular theaters where stand-up comedians like Cantinflas, Adalberto Martinez Resortes, and Palillos developed a ...
With implications for similar processes throughout the rest of Latin America from the 1960s to the present day, Photopoetics at Tlatelolco provides a powerful new model for understanding the intersection of political history and cultural ...
The War of the Fatties and Other Stories from Aztec History. Trans. Michael Alderson. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1994. ———. Yocasta o casi: La guerra de las gordas. Mexico City: Editores Mexicanos Unidos, 1985.
... dıas en la vida de una mujer) (Montseny Man ̃e ́), 382 One Hundred Love Cells (Cien ca ́rceles de amor) (Brindis de ... 395 Oracio ́n por Marilyn Monroe (Prayer for Marilyn Monroe) (Becquer), 677 The Oracle's Secret (El secreto del ...
Institutional Modes and Cultural Modalities. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Valde ́s, Mario J., and Djelal Kadir, eds. Literary Cultures of Latin America: A Comparative History. Vol. 3. Latin American Literary Culture: Subject ...