"East Asia has a fifth of the world's population and consumes over half of the world's coal, a quarter of its petroleum products, and 10 percent of its natural gas. It produces a third of the world's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, making it a major contributor to climate change. Following World War II, emphasis on economic development led first Japan, then Taiwan and the Republic of Korea, and now the People's Republic of China to experience rapid economic growth. This process has brought environmental challenges, evoking governmental concern and environmental movements. The region is an excellent arena in which to study the complex dynamics of environmental politics, as its four countries share ecological, social, cultural, and political characteristics, but they vary in size, resource wealth, history, and political systems. This enables analysis of how these factors can influence environmental politics and how national policy can become reshaped by environmental advocacy. East Asia's pro-environmental shift represents a fundamental change from purely developmental to "eco-developmental," recognizing that greater environmental sustainability is critical for economic growth. Topics addressed in the case studies presented here include Japan after Fukushima, genetically modified food in Japan and Korea, coal plants and wind turbines in China, energy security in Taiwan, Chinese grassroots environmental NGOs, and sustainable rural development in Korea"--
East, Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific, 2002
So very many teach introductions to East Asia under different disciplines, including the Humanities, Sociology, Economics, History, and Religious Studies, but what makes this work so promising is its transferability across these lines of ...
Clifford , Mark , and Pete Engardio . Meltdown . Paramus , NJ : Prentice - Hall Press , 2000 . Deng , Zhaigao . China Daily February 25 , 2000 ; in FBIS - CHI February 25 , 2000 . “ New China State Council Transportation Research Report ...
Golden Arches East: McDonald's in East Asia
East Asia: International Review of Economic, Political, and Social Development
Savada , Andrea Matles and William R. Shaw , eds . South Korea : a Country Study . Washington , DC : U.S. GPO , 4th ed . 1992 . Sigel , Leon V. Disarming Strangers : Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea .
We were trying , again , to make them understand that if they wanted us to have an accurate picture of Taiwan , they were going to have to make more officials available to us . When it came time to order lunch , Clemens Chung said he ...
East Asia
Historical Studies Adamthwaite , Anthony . France and the Coming of the Second World War , 1936–1939 . London : Frank Cass , 1977 . ... Albertini , Rudolf von . Decolonization : The Administration and Future of the Colonies , 1919 1960.