As a child in Florida, Caroline Alexander learnt Coleridge's masterpiece of a poem, 'Kubla Khan'. Coleridge recalled that it was composed in an opium sleep as he was reading about Kubla Khan. He awoke and wrote fifty-five lines of the poem before being interrupted. Scholars have ever since discussed the contemporary works that had influenced Coleridge. In The Way to Xanadu, a literary travel book, Caroline Alexander recounts her quest across three continents to discover the sources of Coleridge's inspiration.
10 Die Brücke vom Goldenen Horn employs considerably less stylistic innovation , but raises a different question of its relation to the “ German ” genre of the Bildungsroman . " Together with Karawanserei the novel follows a familiar ...
Le voyageur s'arrête pour reprendre son souffle dans un petit village amérindien de la province de Chiapas, en bordure de la jungle. « On en avait fini avec les longues marches sur les rues de macadam... On en avait fini avec toutes ces ...
... Sylvie Jaudeau . Mon premier livre contient déjà virtuellement tout ce que j'ai dit par la suite . Seul le style ... avec ma langue maternelle .
The reason for choosing the word "extraordinary" rather than any other is that the title Voyages extraordinaires has already been applied to this category by M. Gustave Lanson in designating the group of novels whose treatment is undertaken ...