A highly informed insider's account of some of the 'honest men' as they sought, by fair means or foul, to get Britain its way in the world. GETTING OUR WAY recounts nine stories from Britain's diplomatic annals over the last five hundred years, in which the diplomats themselves are at the centre of the narrative. It is an inside account of their extraordinary experiences, sometimes in the face of physical danger, often at history's hinge. Be it Henry Killigrew's mission to Edinburgh in 1572, Castlereagh at the Congress of Vienna, Our Man in Washington and the Nassau Deal, or the handover of Hong Kong to China, we can see how Britain has viewed its interests in the world and sought to advance them. Some of these dramatic episodes record triumph, some failure, but all of them illustrate how the three pillars of the national interest - security, prosperity and values - have been the foundation of British foreign policy for half a century. Each story is illuminated by colourful anecdotes and insights drawn from Christopher Meyer's first-hand experience of international relations. Moreover, the book is a salutary reminder that foreign policy and diplomacy begin and end with the national interest. And far from being the preserve of aloof aristocrats, the pursuit of our national interest is replete with an extraordinary combination of high principle and low cunning, vice and virtue, all with the specific aim of 'getting our way'.
. . Finding Our Way challenges us to see the enterprises we lead in new light.” —Leader’s Beacon
... getting off the ground and stifles the growth of others. We don't need a large and powerful government to protect us from bad companies. Corrections will happen quickly in the marketplace if that is ... GET THE HECK OUT OF MY WAY MANTRA.
From carefully aimed pouts and shifting blame to the threat of an all-out tantrum, this laugh-out-loud story for kids and adults focuses on the clever antics, advantage-taking, limit-testing, and childhood shenanigans of three-year-old Emmy ...
In 1996, William Rees, a bio-ecologist at the University of British Columbia, published an epoch-making book with Mathis Wackernagel, one of his graduate students. The main idea of Our Ecological Footprint is that it is possible for us ...
... our ways please Him, He will give us the desires of our heart. You don't have to completely forget about your dreams or desires. Those same gifts that you possess in the world, those same dreams you ... Getting Out Of My Way/Falene S. Best.
Practical, proven self help steps show how to transform 40 common self-defeating behaviors, including procrastination, envy, obsession, anger, self-pity, compulsion, neediness, guilt, rebellion, inaction, and more.
How often is time or lack of experience the cause of anxious procrastination; waiting for the right moment? “What if the very thing standing in our way, is actually our golden opportunity?” ~ Ky-Lee Hanson Relearn and rethink the way ...
... my getting older is having more time to tell the special people in my life what they mean to me. That's what fills my heart with love these days. My young self has been an echo that never leaves me. There were dumb things I said and did way ...
Inspirational autobiography of the African-American talk show host.
Day-Marks. The length of day and the path of the Sun appear as crude markers of the latitude of new lands discovered by the Norse. The “Vinland Sagas” is a term that refers to two texts, the Saga of the Greenlanders and the Saga of Leif ...