Have you ever heard a wolf howl in Wisconsin's Northwoods, watched thousands of ancient sturgeon roil the waters of one of the largest inland lakes in the United States, or tagged a monarch butterfly before it begins one of the world's great migrations to its winter habitat in Mexico? Travel Wild Wisconsin is your seasonal guide to genuine wildlife encounters with an amazing array of birds, mammals, fish, and insects in Wisconsin's most beautiful natural settings: state wildlife areas, rivers, lakes, flowages, and preserves as well as national wildlife refuges and forests. Wisconsin native Candice Gaukel Andrews shares natural history and lore, accounts of her own experiences with Wisconsin wildlife, and insights from biologists, environmental educators, and citizen scientists, so that you can seek a wildlife encounter of your own. So come spy on the spring courtship dance of the greater prairie chicken, search for elusive and elegant white-tailed deer in summer, touch a tiny saw-whet owl on one special day in autumn, and thrill to the sound of thousands of tundra swans as they migrate through the Mississippi Flyway just before the first snow falls. Make this the year you Travel Wild Wisconsin.
... Farjon et al (A Field Guide to the Pines of Mexico and Central America, 1997) and Timberlake et al (Field Guide to the Acacias of Zimbabwe, 1999).
... counts: several hundred annually at Stratton I. and at E. Egg Rock, ... 15 Jan 2014 (R. Timberlake, eBird); Reid S.P. (Lower Kennebec R. CBC): 1 on 20 ...
Maltby, E. (1988) Waterlogged Wealth: Why waste the world's wet places? Earthscan, London. ... Timberlake, L. (1985) Africa in Crisis: the causes, ...
... E. and K. M. Wong (eds) (1995–ongoing) Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak, FRIM, ... Journal of Biological Education, vol 18, pp293–304 Timberlake J., ...
... E. and K. M. Wong (eds) (1995–ongoing) Tree Flora of Sabah and Sarawak, ... pp293–304 Timberlake J., C. Fagg and R. Barnes (1999) Field Guide to the ...
Frost's meditations: Eudaemonia, the good life: A talk with Martin Seligman. ... 1, 115–135. doi:10.1007/s42413-018-0012-2 Kahneman, D. & Riis, D. (2005).
... section 2, part 2; Texas Water Code, Section 11.085(s)). ... as the “San Antone Hose” and generated a great deal of opposition in the Colorado basin, ...
This is the product access code card for MasteringEnvironmentalScience(tm) with Pearson eText and does not include the actual bound book.
Todd Mark compiled the data on the material at the Muséum National d'Histoire ... Noam Shany provided a great deal of additional information on seabirds.
Details the science behind the Copernican Revolution, the transition from the Earth-centered cosmos to a modern understanding of planetary orbits.