Describes a method for analyzing the forces that influence election results and predicting the outcome of elections for the president of the United States
All political scientists aim to explain politics. In addition to this goal, Michael Lewis-Beck and Tom Rice aim to forecast political events, specifically election results. In "Forecasting Elections" the authors...
Presenting models for making predictions about presidential elections, this brief supplementary text is accessible to students without a statistical background and features discussions of Election 2000 throughout. Well-grounded in elections...
At the end of this book, readers will walk away with more than mere predictions. They will have learned a new approach to thinking about many age-old concerns in public and private life, and will have a myriad of fun facts to share.
Goidel, K. (2011) Political Polling in the Digital Age: The Challenge of Measuring and Understanding Public Opinion. New Orleans: LSU Press. Habermas, J. (1980) The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere.
In the updated 2020 edition of this classic text, Allan J. Lichtman applies his trademark 13 keys to predicting the outcome of presidential elections to every election since 1860 and shows readers the current state of the 2020 race, ...
Since the famous 1948 Dewey/Truman election, the role of polling has taken on increasing prominence in the American electoral process. Editors James Campbell and James Garand have pulled together some...
Analyses of the 2012 presidential election are already emerging, with various retrospectives, accounts, and predictions in the works.
Old - school candidates outside the cabinet may plot against the president's candidate . ... For example , a nasty contest between PRI aspirants might provide a ripe opportunity for drug traffickers to murder a candidate known to be ...
The most in-depth analysis to date of America's current political polarization and the forces that led to a Trump presidency
In other words, fundamentals matter, but only because of campaigns. Timely and compelling, this book will force us to rethink our assumptions about presidential elections.