Karen Halttunen draws a vivid picture of the social and cultural development of the upwardly mobile middle class, basing her study on a survey of the conduct manuals and fashion magazines of mid-nineteenth-century America.
... This book adds immeasurably to the current work on sentimental culture and American cultural history and brings to its task an inquisitive, fresh, and intelligent perspective. ..
Halttunen, Confidence Men and Painted Women, 190–98; Kasson, Rudeness and Civility, 109–10; for a prehistory of this relationship between antitheatricality and social mobility, see Agnew, Worlds Apart, 40, 61.
However, even life has been expressed in cash terms.” Even in unextraordinary transactions, money is frequently tendered for kindness or service. A Swiss guide is offered money to search for the hero's body in Frank Hunter's Peril, ...
In this gripping and brilliantly reported book, Ron Suskind tells the story of what happened next, as Wall Street struggled to save itself while a man with little experience and soaring rhetoric emerged from obscurity to usher in “a new ...
Discusses ritual events we regard as family traditions and how they must be open to perpetual revision so we can satisfy our human needs and changing circumstances.
In Manliness and Morality : Middle - Class Masculinity in Britain and America , 1880-1940 , edited by J. A. Mangan and James Walvin , 123–34 . New York : St. Martin's Press , 1987 . Ramirez , Bruno . When Workers Fight : The Politics of ...
Quoted from Halttunen, Confidence Men and Painted Women, 30. 30. John Angell James, The Young Man From Home, 94-95; for similar comments about youth possessing a roving disposition, see Muzzey, Young Man's Friend, 4, 47; Todd, ...
Working Women, Popular Culture, and Labor Politics at the Turn of the Twentieth Century Nan Enstad ... In particular , see Marcus Verhagen , " The Poster in Fin - de - Siecle Paris : " That Mobile and Degenerate Art ' , ” ' 103-29 . 42.
Popular Culture in the Age of White Flight surveys the cultural history of Los Angeles in the decades between 1940 and 1970, illustrating how a regional pattern of decentralized urbanization gave shape to a new "white" suburban identity.
Based on conversations with hundreds of Americans, this volume reveals the self-understanding of Americans as a people and as a nation "The contemporary benchmark from which to look back and look forward in the continuing inquiry about ...