A pedagogical introduction to the physics of black holes. The membrane paradigm represents the four-dimensional spacetime of the black hole's "event horizon" as a two-dimensional membrane in three-dimensional space, allowing the reader to understand and compute the behavior of black holes in complex astrophysical environments.
Describes the characteristics, formation, and study of black holes in our solar system.
In this Very Short Introduction, Katherine Blundell addresses a variety of questions, including what a black hole actually is, how they are characterised and discovered, to what happens if you get too close to one.
In this new edition the problems in each chapter have been revised and solutions are provided. The text has been expanded to include new material on wormholes and clarify various other issues.
This is an invaluable resource for researchers currently working in the field, and for graduate students interested in this active and growing area of research.
In this book, she helps us to understand and find delight in the black hole—perhaps the most opaque theoretical construct ever imagined by physicists—illustrated with original artwork by American painter and photographer Lia Halloran.
One of the most exciting predictions of Einstein's theory of gravitationisthat there may exist 'black holes': putative objects whose gravitational fields are so strong that no physical bodies and signals can break free of their pull and ...
It is not an exaggeration to say that one of the most exciting predictions of Einstein's theory of gravitation is that there may exist "black holes": putative objects whose gravitational fields are so strong that no physical bodies or ...
Castelvecchi, Davide. “The Black Hole Collision That Reshaped Physics.” Scientific American, March 24, 2016. http://www.scientificamerican.com /article/the-black-hole-collision-that-reshaped-physics. Fromme, Alison. “Our Man at LIGO.
Reveals how our comprehension of black holes is intrinsically linked to how we make sense of the universe and our place within it
A deeper analysis shows that the passage of a black hole through the planet would cause seismic waves which were not observed , and that its exit would be accompanied by atmospheric shock waves which were also not observed .