This fascinating book discusses the role played by psychoactive mushrooms in the religious rituals of ancient Greece, Eurasia, and Mesoamerica. R. Gordon Wasson, an internationally known ethnomycologist who was one of the first to investigate how these mushrooms were venerated and employed by different native peoples, here joins with three other scholars to discuss the evidence for his discoveries about these fungi, which he has called entheogens, or "god generated within."
personal power, they also align symbolically with Persephone and her myth. Rose essential oil has the highest ... Its association with prosperity aligns well with Persephone's quest to discover her own value and fulfill her potential.
[←131] James H. Cumming, Torah and Nondualism: Diversity, Conflict and Synthesis. (Lake Worth: Ibis Press, 2019), pp. 57-63. [←132] For judgment of the dead, see Jon Davies, Death,
Ruck, “Wild and the Cultivated,” in Wasson et al., Persephone's Quest, 185. 15. Thorwald, Science and Secrets of Early Medicine, 60. For my thoughts on this, see Hatsis, Witches' Ointment, 76 ff. 16. Plutarch, Roman Questions ...
Persephone's quest. In Persephone's Quest: Entheogens and The Origins Of Reli - gion, edited by R.G. Wasson, S. Kramr'isch, J. Ott and C.A.P. Ruck, 17-81. New Haven, Yale University Press. The last meal of the Buddha With a memorandum ...
This is obviously not wine as we now know it, as C. Ruck points out in Persephone's Quest. Persephone's Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion, a collection of essays by Wasson, Stella Kramrisch, ...
Reveals evidence of visionary plants in Christianity and the life of Jesus found in medieval art and biblical scripture--hidden in plain sight for centuries • Follows the authors’ anthropological adventure discovering sacred mushroom ...
The first part of the book provides an overview of different rituals, encouraging readers to confront their feelings about death and to reevaluate their lives.
It is, in fact, Persephone's quest. There is substantial evidence that before ... Persephone was associated with poppy and many iconographic motifs of the goddess with poppy pods have been found. Entheogens derived from ergotare ...
Previously published as Supernatural, this definitive edition includes a new Introduction by Graham Hancock as well as restored chapters that were omitted from the original paperback release.
Demeter , the goddess of all that sprouts from the earth , lived with her daughter Persephone . Hades , god of the underworld , fell in love with Persephone . ... Persephone's Quest at Waterloo : A Daughter's Tale 49.