During the years from 1789 to 1801, the republican political institutions forged by the American Constitution were put to the test. A new nation--born in revolution, divided over the nature of republicanism, undermined by deep-seated sectional allegiances, and mired in foreign policy entanglements--faced the challenge of creating a stable, enduring national authority and union. In this engagingly written book, James Roger Sharp offers a penetrating new assessment disputing the conventional wisdom that the birth of the country was a relatively painless and unexceptional one. Instead, he tells the dramatic story of how the euphoria surrounding the inauguration of George Washington as the country's first president quickly soured. Soon, the Federalist defenders of the administration and their Republican critics regarded each other as bitter political enemies. The intense partisanship prevented the acceptance of the idea that an opposition could both oppose and be loyal to the government. As a result, the nation teetered on the brink of disintegration as fear, insurrection, and threats of secession abounded. Many even envisioned armed civil conflict as a possible outcome. Despite the polarization, the nation did manage to survive its first trial. The election of Thomas Jefferson in 1801 and the nonviolent transfer of power from one political group to another ended the immediate crisis. But sectionally based politics continued to plague the nation and eventually led to the Civil War.
Giving close consideration to previously neglected debates, Matthew Mason challenges the common contention that slavery held little political significance in America until the Missouri Crisis of 1819.
See Watt and Boulton Bowdoin College, 1:248; 2:473, 579, 582; 3:753, 805, 821–22, 896, 980 Bowery district, 1:225; 2:430; 4:1113 Bowery Theatre, 1:104; 3:1012 Bowie, Jim, 1:278; 2:455 Bowie, Rezin, 2:455 Bowie knives, 1:312; ...
Integrating the approaches of women's historians and political historians, this book explores changes in women's status that occurred from the time of the American Revolution until the election of Andrew Jackson.
In pursuit of a more sophisticated and inclusive American history, the contributors to Beyond the Founders propose new directions for the study of the political history of the republic before the Civil War.
Now, in the newest volume in the series, one of America's most esteemed historians, Gordon S. Wood, offers a brilliant account of the early American Republic, ranging from 1789 and the beginning of the national government to the end of the ...
In Europe such ideas quickly fell victim to a counter-Revolutionary backlash that defined Painite democracy as dangerous Jacobinism, and the story was much the same in America’s late 1790s.
Burstein, Andrew. America's Jubilee. New York: Vintage Books, 2001. Calhoun, John C. The Papers ofJohn C. Calhoun. Edited by Robert L. Meriwether, W. Edwin Hemphill, Shirley A. Cook, Clyde N. Wilson, et al. 28 vols.
Offering a reassessment of the tumultuous culture of politics on the national stage during America's early years, when Jefferson, Burr, and Hamilton were among the national leaders, Freeman shows how the rituals and rhetoric of honor ...
The author compares the intellectual understanding of the Enlightenment of Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, and shows how the personal experiences and regional cultural traditions of each man shaped his interpretation ...
... Slaveholding Republic, 44 (three clauses directly related to slavery in Constitution). 19. Graber, Dred Scott. 20. William W. Freehling, The Road to Disunion: Secessionists at Bay, 1776–1854 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990), ...