This up-to-date book is a comprehensive guide for everyone who wishes to learn the scientific facts about how aging affects memory and what can or cannot be done about it. Gilles Einstein and Mark McDaniel offer a lively overview of how memory works and how memory processes change with age. They then approach the topic of memory improvement, drawing on the latest rigorous scientific evidence and sprinkling their advice with anecdotes and graphics to illustrate major concepts.
Dr. Cynthia Green, founding director of The Memory Enhancement Program at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, shows you how to make the most of your memory, sharing her powerful yet practical eight-step program for improving your recall.
With cutting-edge neuroscience, information about Alzheimer's, fascinating case studies, and tips to fight brain ageing symptoms such as slower mental acuity and 'senior moments', this smart, engaging guide will help keep your memory sharp ...
Memory Fitness Over 40
" This text is written in a fashion that is easy to understand and the author himself has used quite a number of the techniques outlined in the text to his own benefit.
In this book, you are going to learn some fascinating tips and techniques to help you strengthen your memory, exercise your brain, and see great improvement from your memory function.
Suggests deceptively simple, unusual tasks designed to stimulate brain cell growth, activities that can be performed at work, at home, or while sharing a meal with friends.
USE IT OR LOSE IT This little volume has been designed as a self-help tool for anyone intent on improving his or her memory skills.
" This text is written in a fashion that is easy to understand and the author himself has used quite a number of the techniques outlined in the text to his own benefit.
The Perfect series is a range of practical guides that give clear and straightforward advice on everything from getting your first job to choosing your baby's name.
What's more, this book contains secrets that have never been released about the memory cure. WHY WILL YOU BUY THIS BOOK INSTEAD OF ANOTHER?