Muziekhistorisch en musicologisch overzicht van de klassieke solozang vanaf de barok tot heden.
This second edition of the highly successful Popular Singing serves as a practical guide to exploring the singing voice while helping to enhance vocal confidence in a range of popular styles.
This fabulous reworking of the Andrews Sisters sound takes Aguilera into really interesting territory. She works the close harmonies beautifully and the track is so full of passion, humour and energy that her vocal additions all around ...
9 See Rosselli ( 1984 ) . 10 See Duey ( 1980 ) and Heriot ( 1975 ) . 1 There is a discussion of these sources in Uberti ( 1981 ) . 12 Quoted in Brown ( 1978 ) . 13 Tosi ( 1743/1967 ) , which is a facsimile of the English edition of 1743 ...
... Sarah Vaughn , Lena Horne , Peggy Lee , Rosemary Clooney , Billie Holiday , Mel Torme , Cleo Laine , Betty Carter , Sheila Jordan , Mark Murphy , Jon Hendricks , Jay Clayton , Alice Babs , Ivie Anderson , Jackie Cain , June Christy ...
This second edition of the highly successful Popular Singing serves as a practical guide to exploring the singing voice while helping to enhance vocal confidence in a range of popular styles.
THE 1960S: BEYOND KING'S A. Austen Leigh, King's College [A History] (London, 1899), p. 291. 2. SJCA SBF 50/Chapel/General. ... The countertenor James Bowman sang as a choral scholar at New College from 1960 to 1964 and from then as a ...
Takes the reader through an enlightening tour of choral music, emphasizing on the musical style performance practice of different historical periods. The reference provides guidelines on the...
2 Auguste Villiers de L'IsleAdam, Tomorrow's Eve, trans. Robert Adams (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1982), 61. See also John Armitage and Joanne Roberts, Living with Cyberspace: Technology and Society in the 21st Century ...
The volume grounds the concept of topics in eighteenth-century music theory, aesthetics, and criticism.
John C. Greene, Theatre in Dublin, 1745–1820: A Calendar of Performances, volume 4 (Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 2011), 3069. 9. See The Monthly Mirror, volume 4 (London: Printed for the Proprietors under the direction of Thomas ...