This book sets a new standard as a work of reference. It covers British and Irish art in public collections from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the end of the nineteenth, and it encompasses nearly 9,000 painters and 90,000 paintings in more than 1,700 separate collections. The book includes as well pictures that are now lost, some as a consequence of the Second World War and others because of de-accessioning, mostly from 1950 to about 1975 when Victorian art was out of fashion. By listing many tens of thousands of previously unpublished works, including around 13,000 which do not yet have any form of attribution, this book becomes a unique and indispensable work of reference, one that will transform the study of British and Irish painting.
Indeed, the Chantrey phenomenon potentially betrays a larger trend in Great Britain made evident by the listings recorded in British and Irish Paintings in Public Collections: An Index of British and Irish Oil Paintings by Artists Born ...
This book offers a new approach to thinking about and making sense of the important social institution that is the judiciary.
... UK) Thompson, B., (2009) Post Impressionism (Tate Publishing, London) Wright, C., Gordon., C & Peskett Smith, M., (2006) British and Irish Paintings in Public Collections: An Index of British and Irish Oil Paintings by Artists born ...
C. Wright, Catherine May Gordon and Mary Peskett Smith, British and Irish Paintings in Public Collections: An Index ... Oil Paintings by Artists Born Before 1870 in Public and Institutional Collections in the United Kingdom and Ireland, ...
Allen's Indian Mail, 1849, pp.324-325; Khyr-Khwah-i-Sircar, Benares Recorder, quoted in Sam Sly's African Journal, 31 May 1849. 'What is murder? ... A Sketch of the System of Civil Government (London: John Murray, 1852), p.512, p.478.
2. Graves A. The Royal Academy of Arts Exhibitions 1769 ‐ 1904, vol 4S _ Z, (1906 _ reprint 1970) pp 87 _ 88. 3. Wright C, Gordon C and Peskett Smith M. British and Irish Paintings in Public Collections, Yale University Press ...
3 , British School , Cambridge University Press , 1977 Images and Insights , Dublin , Hugh Lane Municipal Gallery of Modern Art , 1993 Irish Art 1770–1995 , History and Society . A Touring Exhibition from the Collection of the Crawford ...
“Charles Roberson, London Colourman, and the Trade in Artists' Materials 1820–1939.” Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2019. Wright, Christopher, and Catherine May Gordon. British and Irish Paintings in Public Collections ...
Vanishing Country Houses of Ireland. Irish Architectural Archive/Irish Georgian Society. Glin, Desmond FitzGerald, Knight of, and William Laffan. 2006. “Michael Ford's Portrait of Lord Chief Justice Singleton.” Irish Architectural and ...
The book is organized alphabetically by writer and each text is illustrated with the chosen work in color. Edited with preface by Janet McLean, Curator of European Art 1850–1950 at the NGI.