In the 1970s, a small group of leading psychiatrists met behind closed doors and literally rewrote the book on their profession. Revising and greatly expanding the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM for short), they turned what had been a thin, spiral-bound handbook into a hefty tome. Almost overnight the number of diagnoses exploded. The result was a windfall for the pharmaceutical industry and a massive conflict of interest for psychiatry at large. This spellbinding book is the first behind-the-scenes account of what really happened and why.
With unprecedented access to the American Psychiatric Association archives and previously classified memos from drug company executives, Christopher Lane unearths the disturbing truth: with little scientific justification and sometimes hilariously improbable rationales, hundreds of conditions--among them shyness--are now defined as psychiatric disorders and considered treatable with drugs. Lane shows how long-standing disagreements within the profession set the stage for these changes, and he assesses who has gained and what’s been lost in the process of medicalizing emotions. With dry wit, he demolishes the fa�ade of objective research behind which the revolution in psychiatry has hidden. He finds a profession riddled with backbiting and jockeying, and even more troubling, a profession increasingly beholden to its corporate sponsors.
Inspires you to start a new life, find opportunities, and seek adventures.
In this best-selling text BY social workers and FOR social workers, Charles Zastrow and Karen K. Kirst-Ashman, nationally prominent social work educators and authors, guide studetns in assessing and evaluating how individuals function ...
“如果我周五想在家工作,不想去公司上班,那我可能会问:'凯莉,我周五可以在家工作吗?'你说,不可以。如果你接着问我为什么,那我可能就能达到我的目的。比如你可能会说:'周五公司有一个重要会议,可以改天在家上班吗?'(大家看看这句话,是不是意味着现在不可以, ...
宾夕法尼亚大学教授全新力作,深度解密怪异行为,帮你摆脱人际关系的困扰!你不知道的怪异行为:自恋狂、拖延症、强迫症、细节控、认知障碍……都在这里!《怪异行为心理学 ...
当情感关系出现裂痕时,许多人总是抱怨,却无法真正离开自己黏人的、不求上进的伴侣。出现这样的情况,很可能是因为双方的关系陷入了“依赖共生”之中。处在依赖共生关系中 ...
認識心理測驗、了解自己和別人,就從這本書開始! 人心難測,心理問卷可以讓我們更了解別人的心思與個性嗎? 喜歡玩心理測驗、心理遊戲?想要更了解自己和他人? ...
As Thompson has pointed out, we commonly use words, expressions, and constructions in written expositions that would seem artificial in oral speech. Gri- boedov's phrase, "and you speak as you write," refers to the comic transfer of the ...
Beyond the Parent: The Role of Other Adults in Children's Lives