Myths about Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) abound. This disorder frequently goes unrecognised, and even when diagnosed may be inadequately treated. In this up-to-date and clearly written book, a leading expert offers a new way of understanding ADD. Drawing on recent findings in neuroscience and a rich variety of case histories from his own clinical practice, Dr. Thomas E. Brown describes what ADD syndrome is, how it can be recognised at different ages and how it can best be treated. This is the first book to address the perplexing question about ADD - how can individuals, some very bright, be chronically unable to 'pay attention', yet be able to focus very well on specific tasks that strongly interest them? Dr. Brown disputes the 'willpower' explanation and explains how inherited malfunctions of the brain's management system prevent some people from being able to deal adequately with challenging tasks of childhood, adolescence and adulthood. His book is an authoritative and practical guide for physicians and psychologists, parents and teachers, and the 7 to 9 percent of persons who suffer from ADD/ADHD.
"This edition strives to extract from the mine of available scientific literature those nuggets of clinically important information regarding the nature, assessment, diagnosis, and management of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder in ...
Since its last revision in 1997, dozens of new treatments and philosophies about ADD and ADHD have met with storms of controversy and great media attention. Weiss gets down to the point in a human, caring, and professional way.
This pioneering book explores treatment and counseling options, and uses real-life case histories to examine the special challenges women with AD/HD face, such as the shame of not fulfilling societal expectations.
The book provides answers to the numerous questions that surround ADHD, such as: How is ADHD diagnosed? What causes ADHD? What are the risks of associated learning and behavior disorders, tics, seizures, and headaches?
This Handbook of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder provides a state of the art position on each of these fronts from leading clinicians and researchers from around the world.
Can drugs cure Attention Deficit Disorder? Why are some ADD children and adults more successful that their normal peers? What professions are best for ADD people?
An introduction to ADD, examining common symptoms of the disorder and the importance of correct diagnosis, as well as available treatment options.
Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of ADHD in all ages, including co-occurring issues, new psychopharmacologic medications and cognitive and behavioral therapy techniques.
In this book, Paul H. Wender offers compelling firsthand accounts from adults who suffer with this malady, bringing together a wealth of information not available in any other volume. Illustrations.
Mellanby AR, Pearson VAH, Tripp jH (I997) Preventing Teenage Pregnancy. Arch. Dis. Childh. 77: 459-462. Quinn P (I994) ADD and the College Student . New York: Brunner Mazel. Alexander-Roberts C (I995) ADHD and Teens.