In the century between the accession of Elizabeth I and the restoration of Charles II, a horticultural revolution took place in England, making it a leading player in the European horticultural game. Ideas were exchanged across networks of gardeners, botanists, scholars, and courtiers, and the burgeoning vernacular book trade spread this new knowledge still further--reaching even the growing number of gardeners furnishing their more modest plots across the verdant nation and its young colonies in the Americas.Margaret Willes introduces a plethora of garden enthusiasts, from the renowned to the legions of anonymous workers who created and tended the great estates. Packed with illustrations from the herbals, design treatises, and practical manuals that inspired these men--and occasionally women--Willes's book enthrallingly charts how England's garden grew.
An intimate and revealing profile of Bill Noble's outstanding New England garden—and the regional history and traditions that shaped it.
The Making of the English Garden
In this volume Rosemary Verey takes the reader on a personal tour of her garden at Barnsley House, Gloucestershire.
Jane Brown's The English Garden in Our Time was originally published in 1966. It was the first book to attempt to describe the influences upon gardens and their design from...
The Making of the English Garden
The novel opens in northern Kenya with the gruesome murder of Tessa Quayle -- young, beautiful, and dearly beloved to husband Justin.
"Tom is not prepared for what is about to happen when he hears the grandfather clock strike thirteen. Outside the back door is a garden, which everyone tells him does not exist."--Page 4 de la couverture.
There is something special about the English country house garden: from its quiet verdant lawns to its high yew hedges, this is a style much-desired and copied around the world.
In this sweeping novel reminiscent of Kate Morton’s The Lake House and Kristin Harmel’s The Room on Rue Amélie, Julia Kelly explores the unexpected connections that cross time and the special places that bring people together forever.
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