The twelfth-century French poet Chrétien de Troyes is a major figure in European literature. His courtly romances fathered the Arthurian tradition and influenced countless other poets in England as well as on the continent. Yet because of the difficulty of capturing his swift-moving style in translation, English-speaking audiences are largely unfamiliar with the pleasures of reading his poems. Now, for the first time, an experienced translator of medieval verse who is himself a poet provides a translation of Chrétien’s major poem, Yvain, in verse that fully and satisfyingly captures the movement, the sense, and the spirit of the Old French original. Yvain is a courtly romance with a moral tenor; it is ironic and sometimes bawdy; the poetry is crisp and vivid. In addition, the psychological and the socio-historical perceptions of the poem are of profound literary and historical importance, for it evokes the emotions and the values of a flourishing, vibrant medieval past.
The creator of the Arthurian romance as a genre, Chrétien is revealed in this work as a witty, versatile writer who mastered both the soaring flight of emotion and the devastating aside and was as skillful a debater of the finer points of ...
In a stunning visual interpretation of a 12th-century epic poem by Chrétien de Troyes, readers are transported into a classic Arthurian romance complete with errant knights, plundering giants, and fire-breathing dragons.
In the poem, Yvain seeks to avenge his cousin Calogrenant who had been defeated by an otherworldly knight Esclados beside a magical storm-making stone in the forest of Brocéliande.
Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject Didactics - English - History of Literature, Eras, grade: 1,7, Free University of Berlin (Fachbereich Englisch), course: Medieval English Literatures II : English Arthurian Romances , language ...
This was not the only novel written by Chrétien de Troyes: although little is known about the man himself, he wrote several other stories, and is known for creating the character of Lancelot.
Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject English - History of Literature, Eras, grade: 1,7, Free University of Berlin (Fachbereich Englisch), course: Medieval English Literatures II: English Arthurian Romances, language: English, ...
Presents "Yvain or, The Knight with the Lion," written by French poet Chretien DeTroyes (fl. 1170) and provided online as part of the Online Medieval and Classical Library resource of the University of California at Berkeley.
The poem would later go on to be hugely influential in subsequent Arthurian stories, and is considered one of Chr tien's best works. These texts are taken from public domain sources. A free copy of the ebook is available online.
A retelling of the knightly adventures of Yvain and his faithful lion, culminating in his reconciliation with the proud lady Ludine.
This late 12th-century Arthurian romance in Old French verse is a masterpiece on the conflict between romantic love and knightly duty and unlike Chretien's Lancelot and Perceval poems, one that he completed.