DIVSince the end of the Cold War, the assumption among most political theorists has been that as nations develop economically, they will also become more democratic—especially if a vibrant middle class takes root. This assumption underlies the expansion of the European Union and much of American foreign policy, bolstered by such examples as South Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan, and even to some extent Russia. Where democratization has failed or retreated, aberrant conditions take the blame: Islamism, authoritarian Chinese influence, or perhaps the rise of local autocrats./divDIV /divDIVBut what if the failures of democracy are not exceptions? In this thought-provoking study of democratization, Joshua Kurlantzick proposes that the spate of retreating democracies, one after another over the past two decades, is not just a series of exceptions. Instead, it reflects a new and disturbing trend: democracy in worldwide decline. The author investigates the state of democracy in a variety of countries, why the middle class has turned against democracy in some cases, and whether the decline in global democratization is reversible./div
Repatriating Karl Polanyi: Market Society in the Visegrád States. Budapest: Central European University Press. Harvey, D. (2005a). The New Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Harvey, D. (2005b). Spaces of Neoliberalization: ...
Democracy in retreat in Russia: hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Nineth [i.e. Ninth] Congress, first session, February 17, 2005.
"The country-specific chapters serve to underline the differences between African democracy and liberal democracy, yet some authors are at pains to emphasize that whatever their limitations, African democracies are an advance over what had ...
Democracy in Retreat in Russia: Hearing Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Nineth [i.e. Ninth]...
In The Retreat of Western Liberalism, Luce makes a larger statement about the weakening of western hegemony and the crisis of democratic liberalism—of which Donald Trump and his European counterparts are not the cause, but a symptom.
Burkhardt, J.M., Teaching Information Literacy Reframed (Chicago, IL: Neal Schuman, 2016. Burkhardt, J.M., “Combating fake news in the digital age”, Library Technology Reports, 53, no. 8 (2017): 5–9. Chatfield, T., “Why we believe fake ...
This book examines policy and program in the key social democratic parties of Britain, France, Germany and Sweden since the 1970s and seeks to situate change in the context of...
As well as essays on globalization and democracy, the book provides analyses of ideas in economics, as well as anthroplogical observations on social norms, the role of culture, and travel in India and abroad.
Kramer , Andrew E. " Ukraine Asserts Major Russian Military Buildup on Eastern Border . " New York Times , 15 Dec. ... Kyle . " China Now Has More Warships Than the U.S. " Popular Mechanics , 20 May 2019 ...
This book identifies the main factors shaping the fortunes of democracy globally. Why do some democracies in the same region and presumably subject to similar global influences remain stable while others regress?