O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- W -- Y -- Z
Provides a look at the studies, innovations, key figures, and controversy in the world of science during the eigteenth-century, discussing astronomy, chemistry, botany, and medicine.
First published in 1784, Kant's immortal essay is now a part of the Penguin Great Ideas series. This series is ideal for readers who want to explore and savor the Great Ideas that have shaped our world.
A reappraisal of the work of five major narrative historians (Voltaire, Hume, Robertson, Gibbon and Ramsay) in eighteenth-century Europe and America.
16 For patronage and preferment in Ulm, see Haag, Predigt und Gesellschaft, passim. For the educated clergy, see Rublack, " 'Der Wohlgeplagte Priester,' " 29, and Deppermann, Der hallesche Pietismus, und der preussische Staat unter ...
Weaver , William and Chiusid , Martin , A Verdi Companion ( London , 1980 ) . Weidmann , Paul , Johann Faust . Ein allegorisches Drama ( Prague , 1775 ) . Welleck , René , A History of Modern Criticism ( London , 1955 ) .
啓蒙運動: 自由之科學
"Advancing the Enlightenment draws upon John Rawls, Gilles Deleuze, and Tariq Ramadan to present a vision for progressive politics.
Peter Baumgart : Die Annexion und Eingliederung Schlesiens in den friderizianischen Staat . In : ders . ... Kritischer als Baumgart urteilt Wilhelm Treue : Schlesiens Eingliederung in das preußische Wirtschaftssystem .
For misogyny see M. Paillard , ed . , The English and French Masonic Consitutions , pp . 38 , 56 , " no woman , no eunuch ; " for progressive views see The Perjur'd Free Mason Detected ( London , 1723 ) and The Generous Free - Mason ...