The tiger in the smoke -- Broken buildings and 'horrid empty spaces' -- To let in the sunlight -- Learning to think in colour -- 'Thirty thousand colour problems' -- Battersea, Whitechapel and the colours of culture -- Bill and Betty set up home -- An English Sunday afternoon -- Woman in a dressing gown
On Daoism under the ]in, see Yao Tao~chung 1995. See Yao Tao-chung 1986: 204-5. . See Waley 1931: 101 and Iagchid ... A painting fragment in the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, perhaps shows a similar scene. Samosyuk 2006: 376.
Presents a collection of art and personal stories taken from the author's Web site in which participants respond to a variety of artistic assignments, including "Take a flash photo under your bed," "Write your life story in less than a day, ...
"Contextual in approch, this text draws on socio-economic and political studies as well as histories of religion, science, literature, and popular culture, and explores the diverse, conflicted history of American art and architecture.
Gary Willis 1972-1982: diary of a dead beat modern art type.
The Painter's Tongue: The Life of an Artist
Kunst und Befreiung
"In tracing the lifelong friendship and intersecting careers of Ufer and Hennings, the contributors to this volume explore the social and artistic implications of the artists' German heritage and training."--Book cover flap.
Deep storage - Arsenale der Erinnerung: Sammeln, Speichern, Archivieren in der Kunst ; [anläßlich der Ausstellung "Deep Storage - Arsenale...
An absorbing discussion of the myriad depictions of the indigenous people of Mexico and Peru in colonial times