“Details the extraordinary life of Oliver Winchester, the company, and its rapid rise and slow fall as told by a distant family descendant.”—American Gunsmith Arguably the world’s most famous firearm, the Winchester Repeating Rifle was sought after by a cast of characters ranging from the settlers of the American West to the Ottoman Empire’s Army. Laura Trevelyan, a descendant of the Winchester family, offers an engrossing personal history of the colorful New England clan responsible for the creation and manufacture of the “Gun that Won the West.” Trevelyan chronicles the rise and fortunes of a great American arms dynasty, from Oliver Winchester’s involvement with the Volcanic Arms Company in 1855 through the turbulent decades of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She explores the evolution of an iconic, paradigm-changing weapon that has become a part of American culture; a longtime favorite of collectors and gun enthusiasts that has been celebrated in fiction, glorified in Hollywood, and applauded in endorsements from the likes of Annie Oakley, Theodore Roosevelt, Ernest Hemingway, and Native American tribesmen who called it “the spirit gun.” “[A] detailed but accessible look at the life, times and commerce of Oliver Winchester—Trevelyan’s great great great grandfather—and his many descendants of both the human and firearms varieties . . . Whether you’re a fan of firearms or simply of American history, there is much to enjoy and learn in this easy-to-read and well-footnoted volume.”—American Shooting Journal “The book is beautifully illustrated, with fascinating photos of the Winchester family, and with well-known historical figures—including the Native American leader Geronimo and President Theodore Roosevelt—clutching their repeating rifles.”—Times Literary Supplement
Shows antique pottery and porcelain and lists current prices
Sloan's Green Guide to Antiquing in New England, 1991-1992
Yang mana untuk peserta didik almustawa al-awwal diajarakan kitab jurumiyah, sedangkan untuk peserta didik al-mustawa al-mutawatsit diberikan kitab kawakib adduriyah, dan untuk peserta didik al-mustawa al-mutaqoddim diberikan kitab ...
Braynard, Frank O. & Miller, William H. Fifty Famous Liners, Volumes 1—3. Cambridge, England: Patrick Stephens Limited, 1982—86. Bunker, John W. Harbor & Haven: An Illustrated History of the Port of New York.
entranCe to Charlotte hall Military aCaDeMy. Charlotte Hall School was established by act of the Maryland General Assembly in April 1774 to provide a unified free school for the counties of Charles, St. Mary's, and Prince George's.
This is a difficult question and in the absence of any contemporary Dublin work dealing with the make up of trades it is worth again consulting R. Campbell's London Tradesman of 1747, which earlier in this chapter gave us a detailed ...
Identification and values of over 50, 000 antiques and collectibles.
1.3 From Latin America with Hate, 1975, Marisa Rueda, courtesy of the artist States. She uses the inherent qualities of the ceramic material. A body shape or form made in soft clay can be allowed to slump in this way.
Un zorrito despierta con hambre inmensa y sale a recolectar huevos.
The Yellow Creek Story by L.M. (Yellow Creek) Watson as told to A.D. Holcombe reproduction to get this valuabe story back into circulation for the rabbit hunters.