An intimate portrait of two pivotal Restoration figures during one of the most dramatic periods of English history Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn are two of the most celebrated English diarists. They were also extraordinary men and close friends. This first full portrait of that friendship transforms our understanding of their times. Pepys was earthy and shrewd, while Evelyn was a genteel aesthete, but both were drawn to intellectual pursuits. Brought together by their work to alleviate the plight of sailors caught up in the Dutch wars, they shared an inexhaustible curiosity for life and for the exotic. Willes explores their mutual interests—diary-keeping, science, travel, and a love of books—and their divergent enthusiasms, Pepys for theater and music, Evelyn for horticulture and garden design. Through the richly documented lives of two remarkable men, Willes revisits the history of London and of England in an age of regicide, revolution, fire, and plague to reveal it also as a time of enthralling possibility.
In a culture where reading aloud and dictating were common practices, Clanchy argues, the ostensibly 'non-literate' were able 'to participate in the use of documents'.4 The same held true in early modern England.
Whether she be wife, daughter, mother or humble maidservant, no woman was safe from his rapacious sexual appetite.This book shows the reader a little known, dark and sometimes very disturbing aspect of Samuel Pepys character, one which even ...
It is easy to forget in our own day of cheap paperbacks and mega-bookstores that, until very recently, books were luxury items. Those who could not afford to buy had...
In addition to events at court and parliament, she evokes the remarkable figures of the period, including Shakespeare, Bacon, Pepys, and Newton, and draws on diaries, letters, and wills to trace the untold stories of ordinary Londoners.
See Don E. Wayne, Penshurst: The Semiotics of Place and the Poetics of History (London, 1984). ... 4 I have consulted Charles Webster, The Great Instauration: Science, Medicine and Reform, 1626–1660 (London, 1975), and Samuel Hartlib ...
This book is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS series. The creators of this series are united by passion for literature and driven by the intention of making all public domain books available in printed format again - worldwide.
John Evelyn and His World: A Biography
This new reference book describes every aspect the English navy in the second half of the seventeenth century, from the time when the Fleet Royal was taken into Parliamentary control after the defeat of Charles I, until the accession of ...
The entire diary is presented with historical and literary interpretation
Ideas were exchanged across networks of gardeners, botanists, scholars, and courtiers, and the burgeoning vernacular book trade spread this new knowledge still further--reaching even the growing number of gardeners furnishing their more ...