A new history that overturns the received wisdom that science displaced magic in Enlightenment Britain--named a Best Book of 2020 by the Financial Times In early modern Britain, belief in prophecies, omens, ghosts, apparitions and fairies was commonplace. Among both educated and ordinary people the absolute existence of a spiritual world was taken for granted. Yet in the eighteenth century such certainties were swept away. Credit for this great change is usually given to science - and in particular to the scientists of the Royal Society. But is this justified? Michael Hunter argues that those pioneering the change in attitude were not scientists but freethinkers. While some scientists defended the reality of supernatural phenomena, these sceptical humanists drew on ancient authors to mount a critique both of orthodox religion and, by extension, of magic and other forms of superstition. Even if the religious heterodoxy of such men tarnished their reputation and postponed the general acceptance of anti-magical views, slowly change did come about. When it did, this owed less to the testing of magic than to the growth of confidence in a stable world in which magic no longer had a place.
Provides a look at the studies, innovations, key figures, and controversy in the world of science during the eigteenth-century, discussing astronomy, chemistry, botany, and medicine.
First published in 1784, Kant's immortal essay is now a part of the Penguin Great Ideas series. This series is ideal for readers who want to explore and savor the Great Ideas that have shaped our world.
Richardson, Robert D., Jr. “Introduction.” In Charles-François Dupuis, The Origins of All ... Robson, David. Educating Republicans: The College in the Era of the American Revolution, 1750–1800. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985.
A reappraisal of the work of five major narrative historians (Voltaire, Hume, Robertson, Gibbon and Ramsay) in eighteenth-century Europe and America.
16 For patronage and preferment in Ulm, see Haag, Predigt und Gesellschaft, passim. For the educated clergy, see Rublack, " 'Der Wohlgeplagte Priester,' " 29, and Deppermann, Der hallesche Pietismus, und der preussische Staat unter ...
Weaver , William and Chiusid , Martin , A Verdi Companion ( London , 1980 ) . Weidmann , Paul , Johann Faust . Ein allegorisches Drama ( Prague , 1775 ) . Welleck , René , A History of Modern Criticism ( London , 1955 ) .
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"Advancing the Enlightenment draws upon John Rawls, Gilles Deleuze, and Tariq Ramadan to present a vision for progressive politics.
Peter Baumgart : Die Annexion und Eingliederung Schlesiens in den friderizianischen Staat . In : ders . ... Kritischer als Baumgart urteilt Wilhelm Treue : Schlesiens Eingliederung in das preußische Wirtschaftssystem .