A revelatory new biography of Thomas Jefferson, focusing on his ethical and spiritual life
Thomas Jefferson: A Chronology of His Thoughts will fascinate both the serious Jefferson scholar as well as curious newcomers.
The Writings of Thomas Jefferson
While Jefferson is responsible for a voluminous body of literature, this is the first time an editor has focused principally on his comments regarding war and revolution.
... of thirtyfour acres, sowed on wheat April was twelvemonth, has given me a ton to the acre at its first cutting this spring. The stalks [* Here, in the margin of the copy, is written, apparently at a later date, “ General H. Lee.
The Life of Thomas Jefferson
As Peterson explores the dominant themes guiding Jefferson's career--democracy, nationality, and enlightenment--and Jefferson's powerful role in shaping America, he simultaneously tells the story of nation coming into being.
The Life and Times of Thomas Jefferson
From Robert Smith I have the honor to present for your consideration the following Gentlemen to be Midshipmen in the Navy. ... Rt. Brent Esqre. Mr. Nicholson J. Gibson Esqre. Genl. Smith. of Va. Mr. Dexter. Doctor Eustis Mr. Rodney.
The autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 1743–1790: together with a summary of the chief events in Jefferson's life / edited by Paul Leicester Ford; new introduction by Michael Zuckerman. p. Cm. Originally published: New York : G.P. ...
An analysis of the political career of Thomas Jefferson considers his efforts for minimalist leadership, mandates for free public education and the separation of church and state, and contributions to national development.