The now-classic introduction to designing typography, handsomely redesigned and updated for the digital ageIn this invaluable book, Karen Cheng explains the processes behind creating and designing type, one of the most important tools of graphic design. She addresses issues of structure, optical compensation, and legibility, with special emphasis given to the often-overlooked relationships between letters and shapes in font design. In this second edition, students and professional graphic designers alike will benefit from an expanded discussion of the creative practice of designing type—what designers need to consider, their rationale, and issues of accessibility—in the context of contemporary processes for the digital age.Illustrated with more than 400 diagrams that demonstrate visual principles and letter construction, ranging from informal progress sketches to final type designs and diagrams, this essential guide analyzes a wide range of classic and modern typefaces, including those from many premier type foundries. Cheng’s text covers the history of type, the primary systems of typeface classification, the parts of a letter, and the effects of new technology on design methodology, among many other key topics.
This essential book explains the processes behind creating and designing type.
Century, the first major American typeface, was designed in 1894 by one Linn Boyd Benton for Theodore Lowe DeVinne, the printer of The Century Magazine. After Bodoni, type designers began to search for new forms of typographic ...
A guide to type design and lettering that includes relevant theory, history, explanatory diagrams, exercises, photographs, and illustrations, and features interviews with various designers, artists, and illustrators.
This splendid book includes more than 200 illustrations and practical examples that illuminate the theoretical material. The terminology is succinctly explained in the volume's extensive glossary.
This book gives designers a solid footing when designing a series of characters without developing a complete alphabet.
Warren CHAPPELL 1904-91 USA Types Koch . Koch was a powerful Lydian 1938-46 influence on many who were Trajanus 1940 to become leading figures in Writing type design in the post - war Anatomy of Lettering , Loring & Mussey 1935 years .
First published more than thirty-five years ago, Designing with Type has sold more than 250,000 copies—and this fully updated edition, with its new online resource, will educate and inspire a new generation of designers.
... 112 , 113 Griffith , Chauncey H .: on Janson , 39 on proportions of Falcon , 53 colleague of Dwiggins , 178 on 267D , 183 opinion of Plantin , 183 on Falcon , 186 Gropius , Walter , 158 Guggenhiem , Siegfried , 168 35 , 62 Bernhard ...
This manual, aimed at a broad spectrum of graphic design professionals, offers analyses of chromatic type specimens, instructions for multilayer type design, and applications across a range of print and digital media.
First published more than thirty-five years ago, Designing with Type has sold more than 250,000 copies—and this fully updated edition, with its new online resource, will educate and inspire a new generation of designers.