"This highly practical book is designed to initiate the reader into the ways of Total Quality Management. Beginning with an overview of the writers who pioneered the Quality Approach, Gordon Gatiss proceeds to justify its importance and ever-increasing relevance in today's marketplace. In a straightforward style, he highlights the benefits which such an approach can bring - both to organizations and individuals." "Having outlined the nature of a Quality Approach, Gatiss introduces the reader to the tools and techniques which will make it work. His use of step-by-step examples, combined with well-chosen graphs and illustrations, ensures that even the more complex techniques can be grasped and put to use without delay. The book concludes with five brief case studies, all of which serve to demonstrate the positive effects of embracing a Total Quality Approach to management." "This book provides an ideal opportunity for all managers - whether experienced or not - to take the first step on a valuable, profitable journey."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Sherer , Jill L. " Hospitals Question the Return on Describes the experience with TQM of Sentara Health Their TQM Investment , " Hospitals & Health System in Norfolk ... Presents results of a survey of hospital Lorence , Daniel .
Surprisingly though , there has been little discussion of the Deming Award , and given the exposure of the Baldrige Award , this is surely appropriate . The Deming Award There are various categories of the Deming Award : the Deming ...
The Improvement Process: How America's Leading Companies Improve Quality
Quality Calamities and Their Management Implications
本书系统地论述包含技术, 可靠性和成本展开的综合质量功能展开(QFD)理论和操作实务, 提供在全球化商业环境下企业应用QFD的实践框架, 讨论QFD的新发展, 新观点及新技术, ...
Understanding Total Quality Management
Administración y control de la calidad
Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh
Administracion y calidad / Administration and Quality