The technique of ion implantation has become a very useful and stable technique in the field of semiconductor device fabrication. This use of ion implantation is being adopted by industry. Another important application is the fundamental study of the physical properties of materials. The First Conference on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors was held at Thousand Oaks, California in 1970. The second conference in this series was held at Garmish-Partenkirchen, Germany, in 1971. At the third conference, which convened at Yorktown Heights, New York in 1973, the emphasis was broadened to include metals and insulators as well as semiconductors. This scope of the conference was still accepted at the fourth conference which was held at Osaka, Japan, in 1974. A huge number of papers had been submitted to this conference. All papers which were presented at the Fourth International Conference on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors and Other Materials are included in this proceedings. The success of this conference was due to technical presentations and discussions of 224 participants from 14 countries as well as to financial support from many companies in Japan. On behalf of the committee, I wish to thank the authors for their excellent papers and the sponsors for their financial support. The International Committee responsible for advising this conference consisted of B.L. Crowder, J.A. Davies, G. Dearna1ey, F.H. Eisen, Ph. G1otin, T. Itoh, A.U. MacRae, J.W. Mayer, S. Namba, I. Ruge, and F.L. Vook.
Goldstein , R. , J. Quant . Spectros . Radiative Transfer , 4 , 343 ( 1964 ) . 98. Gorbatyi , Yu . E. and G. V. Bondarenko , Ocherki Fiz . - Khim . Petrologii , 1973 , No. 3 , 207 . 99. Gorbunov , B. Z. and Yu .
... 1600cm 1 区域的强吸收峰可能是芳香环 C = 0 的伸缩振动。阴丹士林蓝靛蓝的红外吸收光谱如图 2-38 和图 2-39 所示。 T % con CI .还原蓝 41f98005 Myny 4IIII.
加利福尼亚大学(戴维斯)食品科技系,加利福尼亚州戴维斯市 Chi-Tang Ho 罗格斯大学食品科学系,新泽西州新布朗斯维克市 Kerry C.Huber 爱达荷大学,爱达荷州莫斯科市 Robert C.Lindsay 威斯康星大学(麦迪逊)食品科学系,威斯康星州麦迪逊市 D.Julian ...
To the author's knowledge no complete review exists of the published work in this very interesting new field; a situation it is hoped the present volume will rectify.
A clear presentation of the various aspects of petroleum analysis Petroleum exhibits a wide range of physical properties. Numerous tests have been and continue to be developed to provide...
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
A broad examination of the physical properties of solutions Polymer Solutions: An Introduction to Physical Properties offers a fresh, inclusive approach to teaching the fundamentals of physical polymer science....
I. Introduction; How to use the handbook; Sample preparation in analytical chemistry (organic analysis); Sample preparation in analytical chemistry (inorganic analysis); Quantitative measurements; Managing laboratory information; Laboratory automation; II. Separation...
This text is written for a course that deals with the principles and applications of modern analytical instruments. Emphasis is placed upon the theoretical basis of each type of instrument,...