A dual biography and a fresh approach to the always compelling subject of these two iconic leaders—how they fashioned a distinctly American war, and a lasting peace, that fundamentally changed our nation
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Thomas H. Ruger to Thomas J. Ruger, December 11, 1853, HCA Auction Sale, July 22, 2010. Agnes Lee Journal, November 8, 1853, Mary Custis Lee deButts, ...
'The definitive work on the Desert War.' Manchester Evening News Wavell's Command is the first of the three volumes of The Crucible of War.
Colonel Robert Doughty, professor and department head, encouraged the project, and a grant from the Association of ... Steve Arata, Robert Curtis, Serge Bererd, Robert Hall, Mable Hamburger, Jan Jason, Jay Jason, Claude Jaupart, ...
So too had an American idol, General George S. Patton, arrived by air the previous day. ... General Omar Bradley, the American field commander, felt comfortable enough to celebrate the July 4th holiday with a bombardment in which every ...
But l\=l-artinique was worth more to Pitt than either commerce or strategy alone would indicate, for it represented a diplomatic counter valuable enough to be exchanged for Minorca. As Newcastle never failed to remind him, ...
“We may wake up”: The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1941), pp. 588, 589, and 591. The Washington Star . ... “There is no question”: Goodwin, No Ordinary Time, p. 303. “the conversation was mostly”: Rosenman, ...
Every leader in this book has real flaws, as all humans do, and the stories of failure, or at least the decisions that have been defined as such, are as crucial as the stories of success.
The details of the fight for Lee's headquarters are in Greene, Breaking the Backbone of the Rebellion, 419-30. ... Mary Tabb Bolling would marry W. H. F. "Rooney" Lee, General Robert Lee's son, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on November ...
Interrogation Report of POW Akira Shimada, July 24, 1945, in Yahara, The Battle for Okinawa, p. 223. 11. ... 3–16; Albert Axell and Hideaki Kase, Kamikaze: Japan's Suicide Gods (London: Pearson Education, 2002), p. 48. 2.
The assault on Earth was thwarted by the destruction of the aliens' seed ship, but with Mars still under Lanky control, survivors work frantically to rebuild fighting capacity and shore up planetary defenses.