Cliff Secord, an airplane racer, finds a secret rocket pack developed by and stolen from Howard Hughes, unaware that Nazi agents are after it.
The late Dave Stevens owned the Rocketeer when the character debuted in Pacific Comics' Starslayer #2 (April 1982). (TOP LEFT) For the comic book adaptation/tie-in for the Walt Disney Pictures Rocketeer movie (1991), Stevens did the ...
DS, and the even more even more surprising Desperate Housewives: The Game (Disney Interactive Studios, 2006). ... Danny Bilson, a specialist in transmedia productions and writer of motion pictures ( The Rocketeer, Walt Disney Pictures, ...
The Writers Directory
Rocketeer: A Novel
Little Joe is also known as the director of the Walt Disney motion picture , The Rocketeer , and Jumanji . This favorite story of mine presents a good place to begin a list of the various opportunities that cartooning affords .
Walt Disney. Pictures presents The OCKETEE PILOT'S LOGBOOK Be It's 1938 and there's talk of a war brewing in Europe . ... Look for all four exciting ROCKETEER books : THE ROCKETEER Poster Book THE ROCKETEER Pilot's Logbook THE ROCKETEER ...
Lists all the Silver Age comic books from both large and small publishers, along with publication dates and current values.
David Mandel and Melvin llan ior Iheir invaluable assistance, |SEN: 0.78 || 0:2:30:2:3:228 |)|{, ITAL www. IDW IDW founded by Ted Adams, Alex Garner, Kris Oprisko, and Robbie Robbins Ted Adams I'EO & Publi-lier EVP/Sr.
"Originally published in serial form in Starslayer #s 1-3, Pacific presents #s 1-2, The Rocketeer special edition #1, The Rocketeer Adventure magazine #1-3"--P. opp. title page.
In this book both traditional and contemporary principles and approaches are explored and clearly explained.