How to Be a Mentsh (And Not a Shmuck): Secrets of the Good Life from the Most Unpopular People on...

How to Be a Mentsh (And Not a Shmuck): Secrets of the Good Life from the Most Unpopular People on...
Knopf Canada
Michael Wex


Wise and hilarious, this is a book about happiness, your own and that of others. The principles outlined here will work for anyone, Jewish or not, who makes the effort to put them into practice. Drawing on the “wisdom of the ages,” bestselling author Michael Wex shows readers how to figure out the right thing to do in any situation. First he describes the two words “mentsh” and “shmuck.” The former refers most often to an adult who has learned to think of others first; the latter refers to someone who thinks he or she is someone special. In this book, you will learn how to keep yourself from believing you are someone special. You will learn how not to be a shmuck.

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