A Yale mathematician best known for his ideas on fractals traces his early years as a member of a Lithuanian Jewish family in Warsaw, his education under challenging circumstances, and his development of a new geometry that unfolded formerly hidden laws governing chaos and the natural and financial worlds. Reprint.
In this text, Mandelbrot offers 25 papers from the past 25 years, many related to the famous inkblot figure. Of historical interest are some early images of this fractal object produced with a crude dot-matrix printer.
Now approaching its tenth year, this hugely successful book presents an unusual attempt to publicise the field of Complex Dynamics.
Written in a style that is accessible to a wide audience, The Fractal Geometry of Nature inspired popular interest in this emerging field. Mandelbrot's unique style, and rich illustrations will inspire readers of all backgrounds.
This book brings together his original papers as well as many original chapters specifically written for this book.
Shares behind-the-scenes stories for ten of the most significant equations in human history, covering a range of topics, from Feynman's statement about Maxwell's pivotal electromagnetic equations and the influence of Newton's law of ...
He poignantly relates the story of the devastating Apollo 1 fire that took the lives of three astronauts and his own later successful flight on Apollo 7.
Careful not to call what's happening a style or a movement, he calls it an "activity": "We might speak of a fractalist activity as we once spoke of a surrealist or a structuralist activity," Ottmann says. "Fractalist artists are both a ...
This third volume of the Selected Works focusses on a detailed study of fraction Brownian motions.
Designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to Spanish literature, this fascinating book helps readers see the role that literature has played in shaping the nation.
Buffalo, New York, 31 burn-out, 30 Conference on Color, Flavor, and Unification, 92–93 confusion, 291 conservation of energy law, 65, 69 consulting, 47 cooperation, 349–350 Corben, Mulaika, 31 Cornell University, arrival, 46 cosmology, ...