Love may be sweeter the second time around, but once the bliss of a newfound relationship wears off a little, the reality of being part of a stepfamily sets in. If you are one of the millions of remarried Americans facing the challenge of blending two existing families into one cohesive whole, you are part of a stepcouple—and you know all too well how hard it can be to make your marriage work in sometimes tough terrain. Different parenting styles, finances, relationships with ex-spouses, legal matters, and even seemingly simple issues such as the kinds of chores assigned to children can chisel away at your union if you don’t always make your marriage a priority. Stepcoupling offers advice for stepcouples on how to do just that—all the while strengthening their blended family with a healthy marriage. Susan Wisdom and Jennifer Green provide tips and strategies on dealing with the issues remarried couples face, with a wealth of advice from real-life stepcouples, such as: * Learning to tailor your expectations of your spouse or children and remembering that no family is perfect * Knowing where your boundaries are, whether involving a hostile ex-spouse or a stepchild who demands too much attention * Realizing that traits like flexibility, tolerance, forgiveness, and openness are especially essential in a stepfamily situation * Making “us” time for talking, problem-solving, weekends away, and enjoying your marriage to constantly renew and strengthen your bond as a couple Let this invaluable remarriage manual help you make your stepcouple the foundation of a strong, happy, and successful stepfamily.
“You'll see,” eight-year-old Boyce Hopkins assured me one day. “Mom and Dad are going to get married all over again." I asked Boyce, one of our target children, what would happen to his stepfather, Lyle Applecroft. I knew that Boyce and ...
I'm Not Your Kid: A Christian's Guide to a Healthy Stepfamily. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 2004. Broersma,Margaret.Daily Reflections for Stepparents: Living and Loving in a New Family. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel Publishing, ...
Half of all women in the United States will live with or marry a man with children. To guide women new to this role—and empower those who are struggling with it—Wednesday Martin draws upon her own experience as a stepmother.
2 yrs.) Barry Allen (38) S Doreen Betts (35) D Sophie (12) FT Sammy (5) FT ANDREWS/SHAPIRO (m. 3 yrs) Cheryl Andrews (40) D Jill Andrews (18) FT Son (16) FT Son (14) FT Mark Shapiro (52) D Daughter (31) V Son (24) V BECKER Zoe Becker ...
In this book, Tifrere shares intimate details on how she and her co-parents used communication, patience and love to create an environment where they were able to work as a team and all the children involved could thrive.
... 5, 28–29, 46 Rivers, Dennis, 167–68 rules, between houses, 72, 129–34 S self-absorption, 67–68 self-analysis and selfimprovement, 55–56, 184–86 The Seven Challenges Workbook: Cooperative Communication Skillsfor Success at Home and ...
Stepwives: (n) (1) ex-wife and current wife to the same man, mother and stepmother to the same children; (2) women destined to battle for the love and control of their families...until now! Lynne and Louise were stepwives for ten years.
Here are the wise words of ten children who grew up in stepfamilies. They offer their stories and, most important of all, they tell us what worked and what didn't.
Other related compounds are also included, such as metallo-, aza-, and N-methylporphyrins, and their synthesis and properties. This book is a good introduction and reference for students studying in the fields of chemistry and biochemistry.
One big step beyond love and marriage.