A leading political scientist identifies "political evil" as wrongdoing perpetrated by individuals with specific political goals, cites specific examples throughout the world and explains that important changes can be initiated through adjustments in how political evil is treated.
This book examines Arendt's ideas about thinking, acting and political responsibility, investigating the relationship between the life of the mind and the life of action that preoccupied Arendt throughout her life.
The purpose of this book is to make an innovative contribution to the newly emerging literature connecting Arendt to international political theory and debates surrounding globalization.
The book is based on the Gifford Lectures delivered at the University of Edinburgh in 2003.
The book is based on the Gifford Lectures delivered at the University of Edinburgh in 2003.
For discussion of the entire matter, see Roy Franklin Nichols, “United States vs. ... The two notable exceptions were Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, whose disloyalty had special symbolic weight for Northern politicians.
He closes with a discussion of "moral leadership" and how abstaining from office, just as Gandhi and King did, may be particularly suited to stable democracies.Pelinka's unique use of rich empirical evidence from twentieth-century history ...
In The Abuse of Evil Bernstein challenges the claim that without an appeal to absolutes, we lack the grounds for acting decisively in fighting our enemies. The post 9/11 abuse of evil corrupts both democratic politics and religion.
This volume uses elements of Arendt' s theory to engage with four distinctive political problems connected with contemporary globalization: genocide, global poverty, refugees and the domination of the public realm by neoliberal economic ...
Contributors explore questions such as 'What distinguishes evil from lesser wrongdoing?' 'Is culpable wrongdoing a necessary component of evil?' 'How are we to understand atrocious political violence?
Martha Nussbaum, Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 12 and Frontiers of justice: Disability, Nationality, Species Membership (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, ...