Whether you’re fighting with a neighbor about who should pay for a fence, pursuing a charge of discrimination at work, or chasing a $5000 loan, the ABA Guide to Resolving Legal Disputes: Inside and Outside the Courtroom can help you decide what steps to take to resolve disputes. This book, written in easy-to-read language with dozens of real-life examples, includes tips on how to be a better negotiator. It also provides important information about mediation, arbitration, small claims court, and civil court procedures, and includes a chapter on working with a lawyer, with tips on how you can save time and money.
This is a fast-growing field of law, and today more and more lawyers are finding they have cases that deal with animal law.
Construction ADR
Written in easy-to-read language with dozens of real-life examples, this book provides important information about mediation, arbitration, small claims court, and civil court procedures, and includes a chapter on working with a lawyer.
This practical guide covers more than fifty key negotiation topics. It is the only book on negotiation that takes an array of crucial negotiation elements and makes them easy not only to read, but to use.
This book provides a detailed rationale for the creation of ombudsman offices; suggestions for structuring and documenting an ombudsman program and how to address issues that arise in litigation; a comprehensive presentation of various ...
"This book explains how to mediate legal disputes-cases serious enough for parties to hire lawyers to represent them-and describes the techniques you can use to resolve them"--
This book is a practical guide for those who have questions such as these about organizational ombuds programs and how they operate"--
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
Lerner, 954 A.2d 1227 (Pa. Super. 2008), 1118n6 Leszczynski v. Allianz Ins., 176 F.R.D. 659, 39 Fed. R. Serv. 3d 908 (S.D. Fla. 1997), 60nl3 Leuthold v. Destination Am., Inc., 224 F.R.D. 462 (N.D. Cal. 2004), 451nl2, 455n43 Levi v.
This updated edition is your complete resource for gaining knowledge and skills to attract clients interested in mediation and effective negotiation.