Powerful Tools for Guarding Your Body, Mind, and Heart Remaining pure while single isn’t easy in a culture that encourages a woman to use her body to gain power, respect, and personal fulfillment. The longing for emotional and physical connection can gradually and subtly lead you into compromises you never intended to make. But you can resist the pressures—or reclaim your purity—by building a strong foundation of integrity. This book, ideal for study with Every Woman’s Battle, is designed specifically for single women and will give you the tools you need to resist temptation and discover true fulfillment. Through practical and biblical lessons you’ll be equipped to: · understand the unique components of female sexuality · discern your personal areas of vulnerability · design a defense plan to protect your heart and mind, as well as your body · allow God to satisfy the desires He placed within you Each weekly study section—designed both for individual and small group use in eight-week or twelve-week tracks—guides you deeper into God’s Word, then helps you personalize and apply the principles that will help you live in sexual and emotional purity.
Guides young women to make the right choices to maintain sexual purity, focusing on self-acceptance and the damaging influences of the over-sexualized media.
Updated for a new generation, a resource for overcoming sexual temptation shares the stories of men who have escaped sexual immorality and offers a practical plan for achieving sexual integrity.
Steve Arterburn and Fred Stoeker, the authors of the hard-hitting best-seller Every Man’s Battle, now focus on the temptations young single Christian men like you face every day–and they offer workable, biblical strategies for achieving ...
Every Woman’s Battle can help you learn to do that. Using real-life stories and examples from her own struggle, Shannon Ethridge helps women like you–whether married, engaged, or planning to marry someday.
Every Woman’s Battle can help you learn to do that. Using real-life stories and examples from her own struggle, Shannon Ethridge helps women like you–whether married, engaged, or planning to marry someday.
Finally, a resource that guides you through the toughest--and most important--conversations you'll ever have with your son.
If you’re ready to stop the blame game and pursue the marriage of your dreams, let authors Shannon and Greg Ethridge show you how to reignite your relationship with spiritual, emotional, and physical passion.
Tina S. Miracle, Andrew W. Miracle, and Roy F. Baumeister, Human Sexuality: Meeting Your Basic Needs (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice ... N. L. R. Anderson and others, “Evaluating the Outcomes of Parent-Child Family Life Education.
Every Woman’s Battle can help you learn to do that. And this companion workbook will help you apply what you learn to achieve authentic joy and fulfillment in every area of your life.
Offers a guide to fighting back against Satan's temptations though the use of prayer, outlining advice on developing personal prayer strategies to counter the enemy's diverse assault strategies.