Breakaway Study Guide: Because You Didn't Set Out to Be Just Like Everybody Else

Breakaway Study Guide: Because You Didn't Set Out to Be Just Like Everybody Else
Andy Stanley


Everywhere You Go, There You Are When you were young, you were told, “You are special!” and were encouraged to become anything you wanted. The future held unlimited options. But then life happened. And now you look around feeling, thinking, looking, and acting basically the same as the next guy. You can’t help but feel trapped and hemmed in. Unfortunately, many try to break out of the suffocating sameness by making the same bad decisions over and over again. This Breakaway DVD and study guide are designed to renovate your thinking by illustrating four core beliefs that dictate the decisions shaping the outcome of your life. This study will help you break out of the crowd and away from bad patterns for good! Break out of the crowd. None of us sets out to be like everybody else, but it happens. Life begins to squeeze us into a mold until one day we wake up feeling trapped and hemmed in. Unfortunately many people think that the answer is to run away, but they only end up making the same bad decisions over and over again. So how do you break the cycle and break out of the crowd? In this six-session companion study guide to the Breakaway DVD, Andy Stanley will expose you to four core beliefs that have the power to renovate your thinking and change the trajectory of your life. Intended for use in a personal study or in small groups, Breakaway will illustrate how our core beliefs dictate our decisions which dictate the outcomes of our lives. This study guide is complete with a leader’s guide and six lessons, including conversation-starting exercises, discussion questions, and application steps. Story Behind the Book Andy Stanley is the senior pastor of three North Point Ministries campuses, with a cumulative congregation of more than twenty thousand. Much of the brokenness he sees in the lives of his congregants results from the herd mentality that makes them feel completely blah. He often hears comments like, “Life is just more of the same, only with more candles on my birthday cake,” and, “Even my problems are the same as everyone else’s—from dealing with debt to my marital problems. There’s nothing unique about me.” Culture has shaped and molded the zest out of life, and this DVD and study guide are designed to open the door to freedom!

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