“A free-wheeling vehicle . . . an unforgettable ride!”—The New York Times Cat’s Cradle is Kurt Vonnegut’s satirical commentary on modern man and his madness. An apocalyptic tale of this planet’s ultimate fate, it features a midget as the protagonist, a complete, original theology created by a calypso singer, and a vision of the future that is at once blackly fatalistic and hilariously funny. A book that left an indelible mark on an entire generation of readers, Cat’s Cradle is one of the twentieth century’s most important works—and Vonnegut at his very best. “[Vonnegut is] an unimitative and inimitable social satirist.”—Harper’s Magazine “Our finest black-humorist . . . We laugh in self-defense.”—Atlantic Monthly
With monsters slipping through the mountains into the valley of Galatea, Suri, an orphan, dreams of becoming a monster tamer.
Presents step-by-step illustrated instructions for creating such string figures as Cat's Cradle, Cup and Saucer, Eiffel Tower, Jacob's Ladder, and others
A young writer decides to interview the children of a scientist primarily responsible for the creation of the atomic bomb
What a treasure is the English edition of Giinther Bornkamm's Early Christian Experience! This is a collection of scholarly papers on NT subjects gathered and translated by Paul Hammer.
Learn one of the most popular children’s games in history with this easy-to-follow activity book perfect for unplugged fun wherever you go.
Presents basic information for making string figures and gives step-by-step instructions for more than twenty specific figures.
Her books include Cat's Cradle & Other Fabulous String Figures, The Girls' Guide to Campfire Activities, and 3-D Doodle Book & Kit.
One of America's greatest writers gives us his unique perspective on our fears of nuclear annihilation
Camilla Gryski's Cat's Cradle: A Book of String Games
A word to the reader Here is a brand new Russian translation of the novel by American writer Kurt Vonnegut " Cat's Cradle .