Start Setting Effective Limits — Now! Do your children misbehave? Do they repeatedly ignore or refuse your requests for proper behavior? Are you constantly fluctuating between permissive and authoritarian parenting, with little or no success? Are you convinced there has to be a better way? There is. Setting Limits will help you establish the positive, respectful, and instructional groundwork your children need for proper ethical and behavioral development In this revised and expanded edition of his popular book, Robert MacKenzie, Ed.D., demonstrates proven techniques and procedures that not only correct misbehavior but instill the cooperation and conduct you want and expect from your children. This book shows parents how to: • Enforce clear, firm, and effective boundaries • Put an end to conflicts and power struggles • Establish rules that encourage cooperation • Teach children important problem-solving skills • Apply logical consequences of misbehavior Children need limits to guide their development. With MacKenzie's expert guidance, you will learn how to build and enforce the instructive boundaries necessary for a happy and rewarding family life.
Provides an alternative method of disciplining children to the ineffective extremes of punishment and permisiveness, using motivation techniques to teach proper conduct.
With fully updated guidelines on parenting tools like "logical consequences," and examples drawn directly from the modern world that children deal with each day, this is an invaluable resource for anyone wondering how to effectively ...
For some people it might be lying on the beach or for others lying in a field looking up at the clouds . The exact scene is unimportant as long as it is relaxing to you . ( You should decide on the scene before beginning the relaxation ...
In When Kids Call the Shots, therapist and parenting expert Sean Grover untangles the forces driving family dysfunction, and helps parents assume their leadership roles once again.
Most parents have difficulties striking the right balance between being too permissive and too restrictive. A veteran educational psychologist, Dr. Robert Mac Kenzie has the answer.
Eliminating Conflict by Establishing Clear, Firm, and Respectful Boundaries Robert J. MacKenzie ... |gnosing Unacceptable Behavior Thirteen-year-old Allison enjoys the attention she receives when she brings up disgusting topics at ...
In this volume, black-letter Rules of Professional Conduct are followed by numbered Comments that explain each Rule's purpose and provide suggestions for its practical application.
... SETTING LIMITS Revised & Expanded 2nd Edition How to Raise Responsible , Independent Children by Providing CLEAR Boundaries ROBERT MACKENZIE ED ISBN 0-7615-1212-8 Paperback / 384 pages U.S. $ 15.95 / Can . $ 23.95 Learn to Love Your ...
Find out what Dr. James Dobson, today's most trusted authority on parenting, has to say about: What makes strong-willed children the way they are Shaping the will while protecting the spirit Avoiding the most common parenting mistake ...
If you’re tired of feeling guilty or afraid of putting your mental and physical health first, are ready to take back control of your life, and create healthy and balanced relationships, this book will show you how to step up and set ...