This lively and authoritative volume makes clear that the quest for taste and manners in America has been essential to the serious pursuit of a democratic culture. Spanning the material world from mansions and silverware to etiquette books, city planning, and sentimental novels, Richard L. Bushman shows how a set of values originating in aristocratic court culture gradually permeated almost every stratum of American society and served to prevent the hardening of class consciousness. A work of immense and richly nuanced learning, The Refinement of America newly illuminates every facet of both our artifacts and our values.
Refinement of America
Sheldon, Asa. Life of Asa G. Sheldon: Wilmington Farmer. Woburn, Mass: E. T. Moody, 1862. Reprinted as Yankee Drover. Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1988. Sheldon, George. A History of Deerfield, Massachusetts. 2 vols.
Campbell condemned visionary religion, but shared the desire for a more pure and powerful religion based on the New Testament. Visionaries sought spiritual gifts; Campbell sought exact conformity to New Testament organization and ...
At Home invites the reader into the early American home to learn firsthand what it was like to live in and manage a house before electric lighting, central heating, and...
Yet, personal or local stories do not provide a comprehensive nationwide picture of our access to health care. Now, this book offers the long-awaited health equivalent of national economic indicators.
Latter-day Saint Essays Richard Lyman Bushman Reid L. Neilson, Jed Woodworth ... When Joel Hills Johnson met Joseph in , the Prophet himself said, “I suppose you think that I am [a] great green, lubberly fellow,” and Johnson ...
A prophetic examination of Western decline, The Twilight of American Culture provides one of the most caustic and surprising portraits of American society to date.
This insider's look at inherited wealth in the United States explores the complex meanings of money and success in American sociey with a new introduction that examinies whether America's privileged class will be willing or able to play a ...
In The Regency Book of Drinks: Quaffs, Quips, Tipples, and Tales from Grosvenor Square, this respectable cocktail connoisseur presents a guide of over 75 cocktail recipes shaped by the Regency era in both refinement and ingredients—and ...
An illustrated art catalogue, exemplifying the Charlestonians' fascination with European culture.