This valiant story of how young George Washington was drawn into his country's struggle for independence gives readers a vivid perspective on a crucial era in American history--and on the life of a revolutionary hero.
George Washington, the first president of the United States, is much more than a monument on Mount Rushmore.
Includes brief accounts of the lives of two prominent U.S. presidents and the holiday in their honor.
."..Through leveled text and engaging photos, kids meet George Washington Carver and learn about his important work with peanuts and other plants."--Provided by publisher.
Presents the life and accomplishments of the first president of the United States, who had been the victorious commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution.
This is George Washington in the surprising role of political strategist. T.H. Breen introduces us to a George Washington we rarely meet.
When Thomas Jefferson was young, Virginia was still a colony of England.
Yes, George Washington was the first U.S. president, but what did he do before that?
Take a bite into the fascinating history of peanut butter and the man who invented it.
George Washington was one of the most influential figures in American history.
Meet ROBERT E. LEE is the story of a great American leader forced to make a terrible decision.