Don't Stay Stuck in a Job Rut--Take Control of Your Career in Just 30 Days! Feeling enslaved by pointless meetings, overflowing "in" boxes, and endless phone calls? Shackled by mindless busywork and jealous colleagues who keep you from landing the corner office and the recognition you deserve? If so, now is the time to break free from the chains of job slavery! Now in paperback, Karen Salmansohn, award-winning advertising veteran and bestselling author, offers an instructive, humorous, and easy-to-follow 30-day plan for taking control of your career. Daily tips for Cracking Whips and Master Mantras will show you how to beat all of your negative thoughts instead of letting them beat you, so that at last you can attain the promotions and raises you dream about.
A Portable Coach to Pump Up Your Courage Stop a moving train of negative thoughts! Walk down that aisle! Open a jam-closed heart! Lift that ton of office work! Run circles around your competition! Pick up that phone and make that call!
Teach a man to fish and you have a customer for life. Tip sheets are cheap, ... Customize a calendar with creative headings, artwork (yours), facts and figures about your business or industry, and, of course, contact information.
"The book every single girl needs to defend herself against nudgy family and friends."--cover.
This book consists of citations covering a wide spectrum of the job hunting, employment and professional fields. The decisions leading to the job interview including educational choices and the events...
Publications : John Burroughs : An American Naturalist ( biography ) , 1992 ; 1001 Really Cool Web Sites ... Most Useful , and Most Fun Science Websites , 1996 ; Great American Websites : An Online Discovery of a Hidden America ...
Diana Miller An Assistant Talent Booker , Last Call with Carson Daly Interview with Last Call with Carson Daly , NBC 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York , NY 10112 Diana Miller fell into her job as the assistant talent booker for Last Call ...
Először Karen Salmansohn fantasztikus The 30-Day Plan to Whip Your Career into Submission (30 napos terv, hogy a legnagyobb alázattal végezd a munkádat) című könyvében olvastam a kifejezést, aminek a következő a lényege: légy a munkád ...
Poprvé jsem se s tímto označením setkala v úžasné knize Karen Salmansohnové The 30-day plan to whip your career into submission (česky Třicetidenní plán, ...
Bibliographic Guide to Womens Studies 1998
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