Their mission: To take out the scuds. Eight went out. Five came back. Their story had been closed in secrecy. Until now. They were British Special Forces, trained to be the best. In January 1991 a squad of eight men went behind the Iraqi lines on a top secret mission. It was called Bravo Two Zero. On command was Sergeant Andy McNab. "They are the true unsung heroes of the war." -- Lt. Col. Steven Turner, American F-15E commander. Dropped into "scud alley" carrying 210-pound packs, McNab and his men found themselves surrounded by Saddam's army. Their radios didn't work. The weather turned cold enough to freeze diesel fuel. And they had been spotted. Their only chance at survival was to fight their way to the Syrian border seventy-five miles to the northwest and swim the Euphrates river to freedom. Eight set out. Five came back. "I'll tell you who destroyed the scuds -- it was the British SAS. They were fabulous." -- John Major, British Prime Minister. This is their story. Filled with no-holds-barred detail about McNab's capture and excruciating torture, it tells of men tested beyond the limits of human endurance... and of the war you didn't see on CNN. Dirty, deadly, and fought outside the rules.
One, veteran sergeant Vince Phillips, was blamed in both books for a succession of mistakes. As Michael Asher reveals, the stories in BRAVO TWO ZERO and THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY grew considerably in the telling.
This is their story. Filled with no-holds-barred detail about McNab's capture and excruciating torture, it tells of men tested beyond the limits of human endurance... and of the war you didn't see on CNN.
The One That Got Away is his breathtaking story of extraordinary courage under fire, of narrow escapes, of highly trained soldiers struggling against the most adverse of conditions, and, above all, of one man's courageous refusal to lie ...
SOLDIER FIVE is an elite soldier's memoir of his time within the Special Air Service (SAS) and, in particular, his experiences during the Gulf War. As a member of the...
The truth of the story behind BRAVO TWO ZERO, the code-name given to the famous SAS operation in Iraq during the Gulf War
But Stone and his team don’t find just anyone. They find a world-class hacker, so good that her work might threaten the stability of the western world as we know it. These are dangerous waters and Stone is quickly in over his head.
" Professor Kevin Dutton, University of Oxford _______________________________________________________ What people are saying about SEVEN TROOP: ★★★★★ "From the heart of a true warrior" ★★★★★ "Seven Troop is yet another ...
Only one man is skilled and ruthless enough for the job. But for the first time in his life, ex-SAS deniable operator Nick Stone doesn’t want to play ball… Zero Hour is Book 13 in the bestselling series by Nick Stone.
Ноябрь 2009 года. В одиночной, промозглой камере московского изолятора, было обнаружено истерзанное побоями восьми охранников, ...
Drawing upon unpublished accounts from SAS soldiers, along with previously classified information, this vivid book reveals what SAS operations were like behind Iraqi lines.